Chapter Twenty-One

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A few hours later, when Jessica was finally happy with your hair, makeup and outfit, you tiredly sat down on the sofa in the living room. "I didn't know first dates were this big of a deal," You smile slightly at her as she paints your nails a light blue to match the dress.
"Well, duh. You have to make an impression," Jessica grins back.
"I didn't think you would really be into this kind of stuff," You tell her thoughtfully. "I thought you were a complete sporty tomboy."
"I am a tomboy! Just my mum runs a makeup salon and she's always giving me fashion and makeup advise," Jessica shrugged and finishes your nails by sticking a silver gem onto every other nail.
"Thanks, Jess." You smile warmly.
"No probs Y/N." Jessica shrugged back.
Soon a ring comes at your door. "Go answer it! Good luck Y/N!" Jessica squeals before hiding round the corner.
You take a deep breath and walk towards the door. You open it, with a warm smile, but that instantly falls when you see who is outside.
It's not Newt.
It's Hannah.

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