deck 19

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+a/n: would be changing from one pov to another.


2015, march 12nd / 12:56:11

"no sign of them yet, team b over."

the detective sighed before speaking into the walkie talkie, "i'm sure they'll be here anytime soon, keep a look out, over."

"yes sir." he turned off the walkie talkie and placed it back onto the dashboard of the car. it was almost one pm and there's still no sign of any of them. youngdae was sure his senior would be waiting for them even until dawn.

detective chang was really serious about this case and he'll do whatever to get any one of them to sit in jail for half of their lives. any one of them. just one would boost his confident up leveling with the plane.

and there he was thinking that he's one step closer to them, one step ahead of them.


"hurry up!" yoongi hissed as jimin fumbled with the pass in his hands. he threw him a glare and took out the pass showing it to the security guard standing beside the black truck.

the plan was simple, all they need is to park the truck somewhere the police could see. and after the ceo finds the safe missing, the race starts. the boys would've wanted taehyung to drive the truck but he was with jungkook so yoongi took his place.

the guard scanned the pass and opened the gate to let them pass. "we're in."

taehyung motioned the other guys to get ready, "okay, phase one clear. and now we wait."

namjoon's hands were shaking, he was so nervous he wanted to pee on the spot. sure he did this hundreds of times already, but he couldn't imagine and thought of any of them getting caught. but for now, the first floor of the house of cards is done.


the employees at woori bank were queued up at the main door to welcome the arrival of the ceo, mr kim. the man walked through the door and the employees gave him a 90 degree bow and a big wide smile. he just gave everyone a curt nod and called for the manager on duty.

mr chan, the manager, was already waiting for the man at the end of the main office. he too gave him a 90 degree bow as the ceo just nodded as a response like to the others.

"here for my weekly checkup for the money." he said blankly with a nod as a response from mr chan, they waltzed out from the lobby to the other part of the bank with a team of security guards walking behind them.

the money was an earning from the stocks of the bank from american investors, it was just a small amount compared to the other safes kept in other places. but they could not afford to even lose one dollar of the money.

"how are the shares and stocks?" mr chan asked trying to strike up a conversation with the man beside him. the man nodded with a serious expression on his face, "not really good."

"our shareholders are planning to invest this money on an australian company based in new zealand. they say we'll earn thrice as much." and mr kim stopped knowing that he revealed too much.

mr chan nodded, seeing the stern expression on his face, he took it as his cue to stop asking questions. they got down a few floors and was greeted by a big silver metal door. the security guards standing outside moved aside at the sight of them. mr chan took out the access card from his pocket and scanned the scanner beside the door.

there were a few beeps and the metal door slid open. to their surprise, the security guard that was supposed to guard inside was gone. and so was the safe.

"so, where's the safe?" mr kim asked glancing at mr chan who was standing beside him with his mouth wide opened. he couldn't believe looking at the big white room where the safe was supposed to be. it was now empty.

"i-i don't know." he muttered.

"call the cops! now!"

"hyung! i got you the mirror you wanted." jungkook added before he went into his room. yoongi gave him a nod of approval and smiled.

"why'd you need a big ass mirror?" hoseok asked raising his eyebrows.

"we're going to play some games with chang."

seokjin threw yoongi a look, "and you think we understand what kind of game you're gonna play?" he hissed. yoongi sat up and took a sip of his water before starting, "in college i sneaked into some psychology classes and one of them were about people when they panic."

"about how most of them don't actually check the situation before making a big deal out of it?" jimin chirped at the side. "bingo."

"because when people panic, they tend to not figure out or check if the situation is true or not. so if our target sees the safe gone, the first thing he's going to do is call the cops before even confirming the situation."

"evil fucking genius." taehyung exclaimed.

"woori bank in gangnam, seoul called reporting a missing safe. officers near the area please report to the bank to handle the situation before backup arrives. over." the woman on the walkie talkie commanded.

"car 227 going in! over."

gotcha. he thought before running to the bank with youngdae and a group of policemen he called on standby.

they entered the bank with the ceo in the lobby explaining the situation to them. youngdae and a few men went to the security room to check the surveillance camera.

"if there's anyone that you're suspicious about please tell us!" he demanded the staff and the security guard outside ran to them saying that there's a black truck that drove in just now.

"where are they?" chang asked and the security told him their location before they rushed out the bank to see the black van driving out.

"that's them!" he yelled pointing at the van, some police officers were chasing the truck be foot but to no luck.

youngdae got into the car with detective chang driving beside him and he swore the determination in his eyes were something he's never seen before.

yoongi and jimin buckled their seat belts and took off, "buckle up sperm head." yoongi cooed. stepping on the gas, they took off with three police cars following them.

"phase two clear!" jimin yelled juhyeon through the microphone connected to his earpiece.

she gave the others a sinister smirk and held a thumbs up. namjoon sighed in relief, "now for the main act."


this sucked. cancerous writing brings a cancerous chapter. i'm so so sorry for not updating for so long omg i'm so guilty ;-; hope you have a nice weekend!

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