deck 16

1.9K 156 27


2015, march 2nd / 20:11:38

the cold weather in the night made him shiver under his bomber jacket. he stuck his hands in the pockets before huffing a sigh and proceeded to walk to the glass door leading to the lobby.

jungkook beeped his card at the scanner and pushed the metal bar to open the big glass doors. the security guard, mr park, that was sitting at the counter greeted him as he flashed him a smile and greeted him back.

but there was something off about mr park, he looks unusually nervous, it was like he was panicking. jungkook raised his eyebrows as he stopped in his tracks and back walked towards the counter. mr park widened his eyes when he saw jungkook walk towards him and glanced at the side for a slight moment.

bingo, jungkook thought. he glanced to the side and noticed there was quite a lot of people sitting around the lounge. jungkook focused on a particular person wearing a leather hacket sitting on the couch reading newspaper.

science fact 101 : you can feel if someone is glaring or looking at you.

and that made the man turn to look at jungkook in the eye, but the manturned around immediately. and at that moment he knew.

ah, they're good.

jungkook fast walked to the elevator and luckily for him, it was already at the lobby floor. he swiftly walked in and pressed the button to the 18th floor. he fished out his phone and opened an application in his phone.

the first day after they decided to ride on this battleship galactica, juhyeon hacked into the surveillance cameras of the whole building just in case anything happens.

he pulled up camera lob01 that showed the building's lobby and the camera was showing exactly what he was expecting. a group of detectives and police were running through the lobby to the elevator, some were running towards the emergency staircase.

the elevator door opened as he ran towards the apartment and keyed in the pin for the lock as the door opened. he ran inside and pushed the big red emergency button beside the main door hoseok installed. the whole apartment turned dark and there was a faint siren ringing around the apartment.

juhyeon and seokjin who were the only ones in the apartment ran out from the living room and questioned jungkook about what happened.

"chang is faster than we thought, we need to leave now, they're coming up." he announced while tearing all the papers stuck to the windows.

"i'll stop the elevators." juhyeon said as she started typing on the keyboards. seokjin helped pack all their stuff into duffel bags, his phone on the table started ringing and he picked it up.

incoming call

mint yoongi


and the next thing they knew, seokjin was yelling orders to whoever was on the phone. it was probably yoongi since seokjin asked him to stop sassing him.

"we're going to hoseok's." seokjin explained as the two younger ones were already at the door waiting for him impatiently. "come on mom, we ain't got the whole day." jungkook complained earning a whack from juhyeon.

she turned to look at seokjin, "but true though mom, the elevator is going to work in 25 seconds, chop chop."

"you guys are going to be the death of me." he muttered, taking his duffel bag and was about to leave when he saw papers still stuck onto the window.

seokjin was going to ask about it when jungkook answered his question, "chances are for those who think, and we're gonna take this chance."

they closed the door, not entering the pin on purpose and left the building through the back stairs (which hoseok installed a lock on that can only be opened with a key).

they got on seokjin's car parked downstairs as she stepped on the pedal and they raced through the roads all the way to incheon.

coincidentally, hoseok owns an apartment there and they are definitely not going back to the devil's den also known as jimin's house. the last time they went was when jimin invited them over for pizza and god damn. the house looked like he lives with a freaking yeti.

"this show, is definitely worth watching." jungkook suddenly muttered, his eyes fixed on the screen of his phone.


"shit, they're gone. curse the god damn elevator that stopped working." youngdae cursed while panting, running up eighteen floors right after dinner isn't the best thing to do.

it was his first month working under officer chang and he needed to impress that old man to stay in this team. "it didn't stop on its own. these people are smart. extremely smart." his partner answered and left to follow the others.

officer chang looked like he was about to burst into flames any moment, "i want to know where they went, even if it takes flipping the whole apartment upside down." he demanded as the team spread out around the apartment to search.

youngdae was searching around the living room when he noticed papers stuck onto the windows. there were tape marks as they probably stuck papers and plans here.

he pulled off one of the papers stuck onto the windows and scanned them with his eyes. "i think i found something!" he screamed and officer chang ran to him, and snatched the paper.

sure he's rude. sometimes. okay let's be honest here officer chang is a fucking self centered douchebag, but he's serious when he needs to be and has fast working efficiency. nothing less from seoul's best detective and officer, minus the part when he's an asshole.

youngdae was snapped back to reality when he saw officer chang's face widen into a smirk. "looks like the deck made a mistake." he sang. youngdae gave him a confused face, chang turned the paper to face him.

big bold words were written on top of the paper he assumed was a floor plan.


the detective smirked, "looks like the game has officially started."


thank you guys so much for 16k omg
sends fist bumps because i don't do hugs.
you can still ask questions for the q&a btw, i'll post the answers up after the story ends, which will be soon, skdkddjsjpskwjj

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