deck 6

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2015, january 29th / 20:24:46

after a week of planning, today was the day. namjoon was already sent in the company a few days ago as a 'part time' accountant, with the help of yoongi of course. he wasn't there to work obviously, but to get accustomed with the locations of all the doors and rooms to help make the escape easier.

it was risky to send him in but they thought it was best to let someone lead the way just in case juhyeon loses sight of anyone through the cameras. plus, namjoon has his ways for making everyone trust him like their life depended on him in 3 days.

it was all settled, yoongi and juhyeon was going to be in the coffee shop located in front of park cooperations' office. hoseok was in charge of the locks, taehyung is backing up for jungkook. the other two, jin and jimin, they thought it was time to make use of the acting classes they attended to lure everyone away from park taewon's office. including park himself.

yoongi and juhyeon reached the coffee shop at 8:20pm. they settled down at the middle back of the coffee shop, not too obvious, but not too suspicious. she took out her laptop and wore her headphones, she had gave them all earpieces that go in the ear and wouldn't be seen unless you look closely so they could communicate easily.

yoongi came back with the drinks and took a seat beside her. she passed him a pair of headphones and sipped on the mango smoothie yoongi had ordered.

"five more minutes and we're good to go." he said while he focused on the laptop in front of him. being the best hacker she was, she had no problem hacking into the security system.

the two started hearing shuffling noises coming from the headphones, "you guys hear me?" she whispered with her eyes focused on the laptop screen. "present." was all she got from all of them. juhyeon glanced at her watch, "8:35pm, let's go."

jungkook smirked when he heard juhyeon's voice, he was more than prepared. he leaped up the air vent that was located at the back door, fingers holding onto the edge before he pushed himself up, taehyung followed suit. the air vent was surprisingly clean, taehyung whispered into the small microphone that was attached to his shirt collar, "which way do we go now?"

"crawl up a good 8 meters, turn left and then right, you'll be right outside the hallway of park's office." she said into the microphone attached to her headphones. taehyung took the lead with jungkook following him behind. on the other hand, hoseok was already in the building, in the men's toilet that is. he sneaked in a few minutes after they did.

seokjin and jimin went into the building with no problem with the forged employee passes. they couldn't have too many people going through with forged passes since it won't be long for people to suspect them since they weren't seen in the building before. two was just enough.

seokjin was arguing with the secretary about how he had an important document for park taewon to sign, but he refused to let the secretary check what it was about because it was too 'confidential'. jimin took this chance to sneak through the counter when the secretary was too occupied with seokjin.

"okay jimin, there's only one security guard outside the door, it's your time to shine."

jimin turned to take a peak, there was a buff ass security guard standing outside. "no problem, i've charmed both girl and guys thousands of times." yoongi rolled his eyes while looking at the camera showing the hallway to the office, "yeah, multiply that number by a hundred and boom, you have the number of times you broke a mirror."

jimin snorted, he was about to shoot a comeback when jungkook's voice rang through his ears, "guys please have your fight at home, you try being in an air vent."

jimin took out the tube from his back pocket and targeted it at the security guard's neck. he blew the tube with a quick breath and a thump was heard, right on target. jimin ran up to the now tranquilized security guard and dragged him to the nearby toilet. "hallway, clear."

juhyeon sighed in relief, everything was going as planned for now. "good. about time the secretary should be walking to office now to get him out from his office." and as expected, the mad secretary appeared in the camera a few seconds later.

"mr park, we have a worker outside asking you to sign a file but he doesn't want to let us check what it's about." the secretary said to the man sitting in the big roller chair.

the man grunted, "you all are useless, i hired you all to help me, not make me go out to confront a part time worker." he complained while taking out the ring and placing the it in the small silver dish on the table. not forgetting to lock the door, he left the room.

the two left the office and walked down the hallways to the reception counter.

"office clear, it's showtime."


why are scenes like this so hard to write, sighs.

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