deck 18

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2015, march 11th / 13:16:24

"you're getting the hang of it." taehyung chuckled looking at the girl and boy standing in front of him. eyes focused on the target, headphones covering their ears from the loud noise. "you know, just think of the target as each other, shoot his eyes juhyeon." taehyung yelled encouraging her.

jungkook rolled his eyes, "you know i'm here right?"

taehyung was impressed honestly. holding the gun for the first time, they don't even look nervous, their hands weren't shaking. the nervousness that usually kicks in onto new gunners, he didn't see that in them.

there's a difference holding a gun that kills zombies in the screen and holding a gun that kills living things.

jungkook and juhyeon wanted to learn how to hold a gun, since taehyung was the only one who knows how, they thought it was better if they knew how too if anything happens. taehyung taught them for a week now at this underground shop.

and to his surprise, they were almost as good as him. jungkook focused his vision on the heart of the target, the 10 point mark.

think of it as the annoying poetry teacher in high school that hates everyone and gave u an F, aim, and shoot that hoe.

the words taehyung kept repeating to them before handing them the guns. "nice one." taehyung complimented and patted his back. his smile turned into a smirk looking at his 'disciples'.

"let's have a little match," he suggested. "3 shots, whoever loses pays for lunch." holding up his hands showing a number three with his fingers.

the two smiled mischievously, "if it's a tie, you're paying." jungkook said before turning his body facing the target board. he held up his gun, aimed and pressed the trigger,


he fired again,


and again,


taehyung was shocked but he didn't let it show too much. jungkook didn't waver, he didn't even hesitate to shoot. international jewelry thief? he's an all round man. "okay your turn senorita."

she showed him a smile, and held up her gun towards the board. "get your wallet ready." she said confidently and fired.


"i feel waffles and ice cream." jungkook cut in while juhyeon was aiming. she grinned, "i know a place downtown."


"i'll go get the car."


she placed the gun down and took off the headphones, "let's go ugly." as she pulled taehyung with her.

the afternoon ended with taehyung paying for six plates of waffles and ice cream. and he doesn't even eat ice cream.


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