Chapter 28 Honeymoon Avenue

Start from the beginning

I ask her with my eyes, but she just shakes her head sadly, before the rest of the group files inside of the house. I look around, and see the addition of several new vampires.

"Everything okay guys?" Emmett asks, as he comes into the room. I smile, as he looks over at me. I can almost feel a gravitational pull toward him, toward my husband. We may have just gotten married, but I hope this never ends. This feeling is everything, this high is all I need.

"This mate, just about got himself killed" Landon says, and I look over at Jackson. What the hell is going on now? I decide I can't be in the darkness any longer. I turn to my sister.

"Why is he even here?" I demand. She looks at me with sadness in her soft eyes. I see her look between Landon, and Jackson, so I know it must be something weird.

"He threatened us, but she refused to let us take care of it" Landon said, looking over at Chloe.

They share a brief glance of affection, before Jackson turns his head to look at me. I can see the rage bubbling there. He looks almost deranged. I look away, as to not anger him further, as we all stand there as if in court. This is definitely awkward.

"Chloe, I need to speak with you please, outside" he explains, before the two of them disappear back out of the door. I walk right over to the window, so I can listen intently to their conversation. Chloe seems to be very upset, while Jackson portrays nothing but anger.

"Chlo, we had something. We had something special, something real. We died together, and swam across the ocean together. I made a mistake, are you going to punish me forever?" he demands, as they stand just off of the porch. Chloe kicks up a layer of dirt into the air.

"Jackson, you killed people. You killed someone for money, and I can't let that go. You used our second chance at life, to become a criminal. Don't you understand the gravity of it?" she almost screams.

"Please. Give me one chance. Don't choose him. Chloe. Don't choose him over me, over us" he pleads. She looks to the side.

"I'm not choosing anyone" she explains, before they begin to walk, and I lose access to their words. I turn back to the room, and just look at Emmett. I'm so glad we didn't fizzle out like that. I'm so glad we're still on Honeymoon Avenue. Jackson may think he can be redeemed, but he can never change the way Chloe sees him. I cross the room, and grip Emmett's hand. Just happy to have him.

Chloe's POV

We continue to walk, leaving the house far behind as I try to avoid a bad outcome. I don't want to hurt Jackson, but he really did turn out to be someone completely different than I fell in love with. I just cannot see past the evil he committed. I know people cannot be perfect. I know forgiveness is the strongest weapon, but I also know people don't usually change, on command. I cannot see him changing, when he seems to have gotten worse. I frown, before turning back to him. I wonder how I can express this.

"Jackson. I've loved you since the day I first met you. You know this. You know no matter what happens, that will never change, but I cannot be with someone I can't trust. I can't trust you, so how could I love you in the way you want me to?" I try to explain, but he doesn't seem to take the hint.

"Just one date. That's all. Just one date, and if you don't want to be with me after that, then so be it. That's all I'm asking for. One date. Don't you think you owe me that much?" he demands, and I look at him.

"Jackson, if I do this. You have to respect my decision. You cannot threaten me, or force me to love you. I will agree to this date, but you have to honor our pact. Is that reasonable?" I ask him. He seems to mull it over for a moment, before reaching a decision. He looks up, his eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Okay. I can do that. You promise to give me a fighting chance though?" he demands, and I nod my head. This should be fun. I stop, where we were walking, and turn to him.

"Well let me go get ready, and then we can go to this date then" I tell him. This pleases him, making his smile, the one that used to make me weak at the knees to shine through. He reaches out to take my hand, and I force myself not to recoil.

Half an hour later, we're backing out of the Cullens' driveway, my hair done up in a neat plait, as he drives us away from the house. I let him drive my car, so he would shut up, and be distracted. This is going to be hell, if not even worse.

We arrive at a restaurant, filled with boisterous couples, and parties. We're seated quickly, and I sit across from him quietly. The atmosphere is loud, which saves me from too much conversation. He sits down as well, and looks across the table at me. I'm acutely aware of the flickering candle, between us.

"So what did you want to drink?" he asks, not having to yell over the noise, like the humans around us are having to do. It does make it a lot more enjoyable. I look down, and order the first thing that comes to mind.

After a few minutes of silence, and eating Jackson scoots his chair around the table, and sits right beside me. I feel a twinge of unease, but I ignore it.

"I'm really glad that you decided to give me another chance Chlo. I love you" he explains, and I see the man I fell in love with. I can see the eyes, those eyes that made me happy.

"I am too" I tell him, as we huddle closer. I'm aware that I'm going to have to make a choice, but for now, I just want to enjoy the time I have.

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