Chapter 9 Tomorrow

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Chapter 9 Tomorrow

Renesmee's POV

I'm sitting at the table just reading a book, and thinking about my cousins that I still haven't gotten to meet yet, and how I wish more than anything that mommy and daddy would let me see them, when the door opens. I recognize the scent, so I excitedly rush to the living room of our beautiful cottage, and rush into Uncle Emmett's arms. He kisses the top of my head, and then looks down at me with love in his tender blue eyes. I look around for Lucas, or the twins, but find neither, so I look back to him.

"Hey Nessie, I came to get you for the day, so get your stuff okay?" he asks, and I jump excitedly, before sprinting to my room. I pull the closet open, and look around for what I want to wear, and finally decide on a soft lavender dress. Hurriedly, I slip into the silky dress, and dash over to my vanity, to do my hair as fast as possible, before running back to my Uncle Emmett. He's still standing there with that small goofy smile that he's always had. He sees me ready to go, and puts his arm around my shoulders, and tows me back to his car.

I look back at mommy who is standing out in the yard with a big smile planted on her face. I wonder where we're going, as we back out of my driveway, but my question is quickly answered, when we pull into the garage of Grandpa's house. Am I meeting my cousins? The thought of excitement is too much, so I squeal as I hop from the car. Uncle Emmett leads me inside, and directly to the big living room, where I have so many memories. There on the couch is Lucas, and sleeping just beside him are the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen.

I hurry over to the couch, and sit down just beside Luke, and he smiles at me, and wraps an arm around me, squeezing me with affection. I lean into the hug, and just savor the closeness to one of my favorite people in the world. I mean I do still miss my Aunt Rosalie, but she became such a bad person towards the end of her life, and then some of the things she did to our family were unforgivable, but I'm so glad Uncle Emmett found Lucas because I hated seeing him like he was, when she left him all alone.

I look down at my cousins, and for a few minutes, I just admire their perfection, and how much I love them. They look older than a few days old, so I guess they have the same accelerated growth thing that I had when I was born. That's another reason to love them even more. They are just like me, and I don't have anyone in my life that can relate to the super aging, and the fact that I missed a lot of the things kids go through growing up. I mean I'm happy with my life, but to have someone to relate with is going to be nice. All of a sudden the atmosphere of the house changes, and I can almost feel the blood weighing on my senses.

Lucas's POV

Renesmee sits down beside me, and the babies and smiles so serenely, so happily. I'm just about to lean over to give her a hug because I've really missed her recently, when something happens. There's some sort of noise in the direction of Sam, and then all I can smell is this huge amount of blood. It smells so good, and deli-... I push the thought of how good the blood smells to the back of my mind, and lurch from the couch, leaving Oliver and Olivia behind to race to Sam's side. That's when I see the site laid out before me.

Sam is laying there on the bed like she has been, for a while now but the only difference is that she's bent at an odd angle. I rush over to her, and crawl onto the bed, trying to see what's wrong but as soon as my weight pushes the bed down, she begins to spasm. Emmett rushes in, and looks at me with wild blue flames in his eyes. I hurriedly turn her over on her back, and go to bite my wrist, when she just stops. I lean down to see if she's okay, when her eyes fly open, and she looks directly into my eyes.

Her eyes are so full of pain, and utter fear that I curse myself for the decision to let her carry my children to term. If she dies the blood is all on my hands, and I will never be able to forgive myself for taking this young, beautiful woman's life away so I can have kids. Emmett brushes past me, and pushes her back onto the pillow, before prying her now shut eyes open, and I see with horror that her eyes are a sickly milk looking color. She screams at that moment, and I grit my teeth with disgust at myself.

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