One crazy girl

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"Maybe you could make a good impression on her right now." Kristoff smirked. Eugene looked around and saw Elsa. He got a look of fright but quickly changed it into confidence.

"Maybe I'll invite her to sit with us." Eugene proudly stood. Kristoff and I groaned in annoyance. Every time Eugene invites a girl to sit with him, he acts like he is the best thing in the world. He completely forgets about us, only talks to his "date."

"Please, don't." Kristoff begged. I saw a spark in Eugene's eye. He loved annoying Kristoff. Eugene could almost consider it his favorite hobby.

"Oh, I'm going to." Eugene stated as he confidently walked away. Great, he's just going to make a fool of himself. Kristoff and I turned around to watch him. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Kristoff.

"This is all your fault, ya know." I grumbled. If Kristoff wouldn't have let Eugene know it annoyed him, Eugene wouldn't be over there making himself look like a fool. Kristoff rolled his eyes and continued watching the 'ladies man' go strut his stuff.

"So, Elsa, want to join me at my table?" Eugene asked with his cute, flirty grin. He gave her a quick wink, hoping she would fall for his charms. I crossed my arms, feeling anger begin to bubble inside me.

"Eww, she wouldn't want to sit anywhere near you." Merida shouted at him. People began to look at the fight beginning to break out. Merida pushed Elsa behind her, ready to defend her best friend.

"Why?" Eugene scoffed. He looked down at the redhead. She was beginning to turn a light pink, obviously upset that he would stand near Elsa.

"Because you're just a filthy player who uses every girl." Merida yelled, scrunching up her nose. Everyone assumes that Eugene sleeps with every girl he goes out with, but he tells us everything he does and the worst thing he's done with a girl is made a movie theater.

"Ooo, Merida, that stung." Eugene inhaled as he pretended to be hurt, placing his hand on his heart. He let a small smile slip onto his lips, which was a big mistake. Now Merida would think he wasn't taking her seriously.

"Good, now go back to your friends and stay away from mine." She threatened. Eugene held his hands in surrender, not wanting to anger her anymore than she already was. He began to walk away, but stopped to make one last comment.

"Okay, but only because the lady wants me to." Eugene smirked as he looked at Elsa. Elsa looked at the ground blushing a deep red. She was obviously embarrassed about what just happened. Eugene strutted towards us, winking at a few girls as he walked by.

"Great job, Eugene. She's total into you." I sarcastically began. He let out a small chuckle and leaned in close to my face. Since I was a lot shorter than him, he had to bend down, accidentally bumping Kristoff.

"All the ladies have a thing for me, Blondie." Eugene smirked as he bopped my nose. Oh honey, if you only knew. We grabbed our lunch and went to sit at our table. Jack and Tonya were already there talking about math.

"Well, I better get going. I still have to study for my chemistry test. Bye, Jack. Bye, boys. Bye, Rapunzel." Tonya quickly stated as she kissed Jack on the cheek. Tonya never eats with us. It's like she's embarrassed to be seen with the rest of us.

"Bye, Tonya." The boys and I waved in annoyance. She was always talking. She was always with Jack, taking him away from us. After all, we knew him first. He should be hanging out with us sometimes.

"Bye, sweetheart!" Jack called. "Man, isn't she great." Jack sighed looking at us. We scoffed and picked at our food. We couldn't believe Jack was that blind.

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