Chapter 11

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The Doctor runs out, with me in tow. He looks around. It's just an ordinary street, with nothing unusual to be seen.

"We're fine. Everything's fine," he says. A milkman stops outside a house. "Nothing's wrong, it's all fine." He turns to the milkman. 

"S'cuse me, what day is it?" I ask the milkman. 

"Saturday!" The milkman replies. 

"Saturday. Good. Good, I like Saturdays." We head back into the TARDIS. The Doctor flips switches on the console. Suddenly, the TARDIS shakes, throwing us both forwards.

"What the hell was that?" I yell out. 

"It came from outside!" The Doctor shouts. He runs to open the doors. There's nothing but space, with a few meteors drifting. I run to his side. 

"We're in space. How did that happen?" I ask. He runs back to the console. "What did you do?" I ask. The Doctor grabs the monitor and frowns.

"We haven't moved, we're fixed. It can't have... no!" The Doctor yells. He runs back to the doors, looking out at the stars. "The TARDIS is still in the same place but the Earth has gone! The entire planet. It's gone."


Inside the TARDIS, The Doctor is fiddling with the console. "But if the Earth's been moved... they've lost the Sun! What about my house and job? What about my TARDIS?! Gone?"

"I dunno, Alessa, I just dunno, I'm sorry, I don't know!"

"My whole world..." I trail off. 

"There's no readings, nothing! Not a trace. Not even a whisper, oh that is fearsome technology," the Doctor states. 

"We've gotta get help," I mutter. "But, from where?" I ask. 

"Alessa, I'm taking you to the Shadow Proclamation. Hold tight."


The Doctor is turning wheels and flipping switches on the console, whilst the TARDIS shudders. 

"Outer-space police..." I trail off. We step out of the TARDIS, to be greeted with a group of Judoon. They all aim their weapons at us. We put our hands in the air.

"Sko Bo Tro No Fo Tro Ko Fo To To!" The Judoon shout. 

"No Bo Ho So Ko Ro To So!" The Doctor speaks back. They all holster their weapons. "Moho."


A pale-skinned woman with white hair and red eyes walks a large glass table, addressing the Doctor and I.

"Time Lords are the stuff of legend. They belong in the myths and whispers of the higher species, you can not possibly exist," the Shadow Architect states. 

"Yeah, more to the point we've got a missing planet," the Doctor adds. 

"Then you're not as wise as the stories would say. The picture is far bigger than you imagine, the whole universe is in outrage, Doctor, twenty-four worlds have been taken from the sky," the Shadow Architect comments. 

"How many? Which ones?" The Doctor asks. He runs over to a computer at the end of the table.

"Show me!" He shouts. I sit here seated, watching him. The Shadow Architect taps into a keyboard. The planets appear on a screen.

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