Forget Regret

822 49 41

*Kellin's POV*

I lightly knocked on the door and slowly walked in, "Vic?"

He looked up and gave me a half hearted smile, "Hey, Kells."

I supposed it was safe to talk, I walked towards him and sat on the chair next to his bed, "So... how are you feeling?"

He thought for a minute, "I'm just... really tired."

One moment I didn't know what to say, the next I was rambling as if there were no tomorrow, "I'm so sorry, Vic, I should've listened to you but nooo, like always, I'm stubborn as hell and I always want things my way, now look at what I've done to you, you're stuck in this hospital because my selfishness and I'll never forgive myself and-"

He pressed his finger on my lips, "Jeez, Kellin, calm down. I'm pregnant, not on my deathbed."

I took a deep breath, "I'm sorry I did this to you, I wish it was me instead of you. Please don't tell me you're going to get rid of jellybean," I pleaded.

"Don't worry, nothing's going to happen to- wait, did you just say jellybean?" He asked, catching on to what I said.

I felt my cheeks turn red, "Y-Yeah, Tony gave me the idea of calling the baby jellybean since, you know, we don't know the gender yet." I paused, "You're not planning to get rid of jellybean, are you?"

He sighed, "Listen, Kells, I'm not good at this parenting thing so I don't think I can do it..."

"Oh, come on!" I whined, "You've been blessed with a female reproductive system!"

"Trust me," he said, "It's a blessing and a curse."

"Don't think of jellybean as a curse," I defended, "Think of jellybean as... an angel fallen from heaven."

He looked at me skeptically, "Are you telling me that I have a demon in my stomach?"

My ears went hot, "What? N-No, dammit, you know what I meant!"

"You should've seen your face," he burst into laughter, "Oh, I love you, Kellin."

"Shut up," I mumbled, "I can't believe we're going to be parents," I said in awe.

"And I can't believe I'm going to blow up like a hot air balloon," Vic groaned, "Getting knocked up was the last thing I had in mind," he glared at me, "You did this to me."

I raised my hands up defensively, "I already said I was sorry! But I definitely don't regret it."

"Of course you don't," he muttered, "You're not the one who's going to struggle with this."

He looked down at his flat stomach, poking it, "Were you ever going to tell me about this?"

"You know... I thought about it, I really did, I just... I just didn't know how to bring it up to you," he admitted, "I didn't want it to, you know, ruin our relationship."

"As you can see," I laid my head on his stomach, "It only brought us closer."

He chuckled, "There's nothing there yet."

"Yet," I repeated and sat up, "Are you craving anything? Want me to bring you some food? Candy? Chips? Anything?"

He shook his head, "I'm fine, thank you though," he suddenly slapped his forehead, "Shít! What am I going to tell mamá?!"

"Oh god," my cheeks went pink again, "This is going to be awkward..."

"You're what?!" She shouted, "Oh my god! Vincent, come here!"

Vic's father came walking into the living room with an unfazed expression, "What is it now, amor?"

"Our son is going to be a father!" She squealed with delight, "We're going to be grandparents!"

He stopped dead in his tracks, "Dios mio, are you serious?"

Vic and I nodded, my heart thumped loudly as I waited for his reaction. It took him a moment but he became more emotional than Vic's mother. He actually started crying, "Mijo, you've grown so much... this is a big step."

"I know, papá," he held my hand, giving it a light squeeze, "I'm with the best person I would ever be with."

"We have to plan a baby shower," she said excitedly, "I'll invite all your aunts and uncles, your cousins-"

"Oh no," Vic stopped her, "No, no, no. No way, no how. Not happening. Nope. Not at all."

"Oh, come on, don't be like that!" She protested, "It'll be fun!"

"They'll think I'm part of some freak show," he muttered.

"Uh, Mrs. Fuentes, we've got months to go," I tried to comfort, "Maybe he'll change his mind."

"These nine months are going to be hell," he groaned.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Not exactly proud of this chapter since it's mostly a filler.

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