
16 1 0

Jace stared at me with the most shock expression on his face. I don't get why he's angry. He does this shit to me almost every day. He should learn to deal with it. I run my fingers through my hair and move past him. He turned to look at me, but I refuse to hold eye contact.

Frankly, I don't want to remember anything about the castle. That one memory of me being injected and not actually wanting to be injected sort of set me off. Though, I can't deny the fact that I'm curious as to what the hell that was and why it was put into me.

I walk a bit to the entrance of this dark place and realized it was thankfully getting dark. I don't want to stay any longer. Both of us have nothing to say, and it's really annoying. I step out of the cave and look back to see if he's coming.

"Jace!" I call, and probably disrupted the entire forest. He didn't reply and I groan softly. I hated walking back in that stupid cave, I just want to get there and back. I've had too much time with this creepy forest, and way too many near-death experiences.

"Jace, I'm not playing. Let's go."

"Jaxyn, shut up," he commanded and pulled me to him, into the darkness. I furrowed my brows and looked up at him. I don't find anything unsafe here, what's his deal?

"Jace, let me go. We have to-"he covered my mouth with his hand, and I resisted the urge to bite him.

"Be silent as possible, okay?" he removed his hand from my mouth, and held my hand instead. We moved along the walls and I was still confused as to why we can't just walk out. I follow him anyway.

When we finally got out of the cave and into the night, Jace seemed to relax. I looked up at him with one eyebrow raised. His eyes scanned the place. I was still mixed up about all of this, and Jace refuses to answer any question I have at the moment.

"You didn't think it would be that easy, don't you Jace?" my thoughts were interrupted by a male's voice. Out of the darkness of the cave, I could see a seemingly man walk out.

Jace cussed under his breath, "We only wanted shelter."

"And what exactly did we get out of that. We're still hungry..." He stepped closer to us and his middle aged face came into view. I furrowed my brows as I stared at him. His almost white eyes found mine and I knew he wasn't a vampire.

"Who's her?" He came closer to me. His cold finger went under my chin and lifted my head. I immediately slap his hand away.

"What do you want? Blood? Well we don't have," Jace took the attention off of me and I was grateful. This blonde hair guy is strange. I'm yet to know what exactly he is and I hate that.

"Yes, you do. You have blood," He stared deeply in Jace's eyes.

"What makes you think that? And even if I did have, why would I give you?" Jace scoffed.

The guy flashed his rather sharp canines and stepped back. He slowly transformed into a huge black dog. I curse softly as I saw the other pack members stepping out of the darkness.

He growled, "You will give me."

"Fuck you." I have no words at the moment. Unlike Jace, I treasure my life and I don't want to die soon. He went on to flash his fangs at the wolf and his mates.

"Get them," He ordered. The pack walked to us, with their tongues hanging from their mouths making it known that they were hungry. I glanced at Jace, and wasn't at all surprised when I found him already trying to fight these things. They were as tall as him, but I believed a wolf was stronger than a vamp.

One growled at me and went to probably rip off my neck. I ducked in time to not die. I stepped back and stared at the thing. This isn't right. I threw my first punch at its eyes then began to fight it. It was a rather difficult task to complete and I don't know how I'm doing it. I climbed onto his back and hooked onto his neck. Jace had informed me that I should break its neck to kill it. But as I was doing so, another jumped on me, making me fall off his mate. I fell on my ass, and he came over me. He growled and some of his disgusting dog drooled left his mouth. He grew closer to me and his mouth opened wide, showing off his teeth. I cussed under my breath. I felt around for something to use as a weapon. It was only then did I realize I still had like two arrows. I quickly grab it and launch it at his eye. Maybe if I blind him, I'll get to rip off the neck. I aim the other for his eye again and he cried out. I immediately stood up and went to his neck. I hugged it tightly, trying my hardest for to break it before another one of his friends hear his cries. It took a while and a lot of my strength but I did it. I cracked his neck and all his fighting against me stopped. He fell to the ground and I immediately jump off him.

I looked around me to see the rest of his pack lying dead on the ground. I furrowed my brows and my eyes went to Jace. "Let's go."

"Wait, you killed all...?" I trailed off and he nodded. My eyes widened and I walked towards him. "You're really good..."

"Of course. Now, let's go. It's not a long way from here. We probably might make it there by tonight," he says as he took my hand to begin to walk. It surprising how he decides to walk. I'm glad though, I feel like I barely have energy to do anything at the moment. Those silly wolves took the little energy I had, and I need to feed again.

Jace looked down at me, but said nothing. I know what he was thinking and he's wrong.

"It's ironic because I'm the one who knows what you're thinking," he comments. I roll my eyes. "Look, I don't want to feed from you. I think I'll make it."

"Jaxyn, are you sure? I can-"

"No, please, let's just go on..." I mumble and begin to walk. Jace pulled me back and stared down at me. I know he can see right through my lie. But I promised myself not to feed from him, and I will keep that promise.

"Jaxyn, its okay, I guess. I would rather die, than have you die..." he says to me. His hand went up to cup my cheek and I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his hand on me. I blink up at him but said nothing. I still don't want to feed from him. If anything happens when I do this, it'll be all on me. I bit my lip and his thumb removed it from between my teeth. His lips went on mine softly then he pulled away. "It's okay."

"I don't want to do this," I say to him. He stared at me for a while then kissed me. It was rather unexpected but I accepted his kiss anyway. He swiped his tongue along my bottom lip for entrance and I happily oblige. I bit his lip and got a taste of his blood. I immediately pull away. And stared at him. My eyes went to his lip as little blood seeped out. His blood is sweet and addictive. I got one taste and I want more. In fact, I need more.

I swiftly moved to him and push him back onto a tree. In a matter of seconds I grabbed his neck and my fangs came out. I sunk my teeth into him and sucked, enjoying the refreshing taste of his blood. He winced when I first began and his hand held my waist. I hate doing this, but I crave this. I crave his blood more than anything at the moment. I drew his blood without stopping. I knew it was time to stop, but I needed more.

His grip on my waist tightened and could tell he wanted me to stop. I told myself to stop but I just need a little more. Just a little more, I repeated in my head. But the 'little more' never came and I continued to suck. It was only until I felt his hand, grabbed my wrist and moved it away from his body, I realized I was going a bit over board. And that's why I don't want to do this.

After I moved away from him completely, I stared at his neck. I apologized immediately, but he wore a blank expression. I bit my lip softly just as he began to walk. I ran so I could catch up with him then we walked in silence. I occasionally looked up at him and found him just staring into nothingness. I sighed but continued walking in silence.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: He asked for it....

Anywayy.... This book will be ending in like a few chapters. :((

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