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"Jaxyn, please wait.." He called behind me as I ran to meet the others. I have no idea where we are, but its scary as fuck.

I could hear the creatures around us and Jace's shouting isn't making me feel any safer. I stopped and soon he was right in front of me. He held my cheeks in his hands and without any warning, he placed a kiss on my lips. I pulled away and hugged his waist. I rest my head on his chest. I missed Jace. He was here, but he wasn't with me and that's what I missed; his embraces.

"Where's Caleb and Xena?" He asked me. I nodded in the direction of where I saw Xena run off last. Jace took my hand in his and we went after Xena and Caleb. I'm hoping we find them both. I don't want to go on without them.

While running, we were stopped by another piercing scream throughout the forest. I tightened my grip as he said, "something's coming."

"What?" I quiz.

"I don't know... But its coming fast."

"What are we going to do? And what about Caleb-" he cut me off and remained silent. We were stationary in the middle of the forest, with a creature making its way to us.

I took out the bow and arrow from back home and positioned myself to shoot. It completely sucks that we, vampires, have to use weapons. That's not right. But we really have no choice, we're weak.

A seemingly, man walked in our direction. He was in a long black coat like thing with a hoodie over his head. I knew almost immediately he wasn't human. He kept his head down as he walked to us.

"Don't look in his eyes," Jace said to me. I furrowed my brows.

"What eyes?" I question and look up at the thing. Jace immediately put my head down, "keep down and walk."

"Really? Is it that easy?"

"no. Run and don't look back," Jace warned and pushed me a bit.

"What about you? I'm not leaving you."

"God dammit, Jaxyn! Go!" He ordered once more. I hate taking orders especially from people like Jace. He didn't even say please. But I do it. I turn and run away, reluctantly. Seconds later I hear a screech and gun shots. He's killing it. I doubt I would have wanted to stay and see that. But I wish I could know what's going on.

I'm out in this foresty alone and I have no idea what's out here. Jace knows a lot about this, I suspect, but I need him here.

I walked blindly around this forest, not knowing what the hell I'd do if I do meet up with one of those creatures. I clutched the bow in my hands and tried my hardest to be brave. I am brave. I'm a princess. I'm the princess.

All around me was dark and seemed darker than usual. I know vamps adapt to the darkness, but I just feel afraid right now. I want to know where Jace is and what happened to him. The owls hooted and I was seriously considering killing every one of them with one arrow. I can't remember how animal blood tastes, but I bet I'll like it.

Thankfully, those dumb birds distracted me from the other things in the forest which seems like its only growing closer. I hear someone walking towards me. In my mind I got ready for war, but in my heart I was hoping it was just Jace.

"Jaxyn, is that you?" I hear Xena call as she and Caleb stepped out to where I was. After realising it was in fact me, she rushed and hugged me.

"Thank god you're okay," she says, "it uh.. It wasn't Arix."

"I'm sorry, Caleb.." I tell him softly watching as he only shrugged. Its pretty obvious this is slowly killing Caleb, along with him not eating. He misses Arix a lot and he knows she's out here. I wouldn't be surprised if he gave up everything to go find her.

"Where's Jace?" Xena asked me while looking around us. She furrowed her brows when she realise he wasn't here. Now I feel terrible. Why did I leave him? I should have stayed and watched whatever happened. We could have been together. I feel so lousy and selfish and just horrible. I feel like its all my fault.

"Uh.. I don't know.. I left him back-" Xena interrupted me.

"Are you guys still upset with each other?" She asks me and I shake my head, no. I know Jace can handle himself out there, but I'm still worried. I prefer if he was here with me.

"Well we have to find him," Caleb finally spoke and I glance at him. A small smile appeared on my face. Caleb is going through hurt right now, but he still cares to find Jace.

"Okay, let's go," Xena says, "please stick together guys."

I nodded and turned to walk back where I came from. While walking, I try to feel for him. I tried concentrating but the slight fear of something happening to him distracted me a lot. I couldn't focus on His feelings and trying to locate him, because I kept thinking he'll be harmed when we found him. My thoughts are consuming me.

I opened them to him. Whatever I'm thinking, he could hear. That is if he's listening to them. What if Jace set it all up. What if he just wanted to get rid of us? Maybe he doesn't want to be found..

I voice my thoughts and watched as Xena's features changed. She furrowed her eyebrows, "why would you say that?"

"I know, its stupid..."

"Extremely," she agreed in a harsh tone. I bit my lip as she walked in front of us. I sigh and followed behind her.

Since we left, I've only been following. I want to lead. I could lead.. But I can't. Maybe if Jace was here he would read my mind and talk me out of my fears. But he isn't here and whatever I'll have to face, I'll be doing it on my own.

And the most unbelievable part about this is that morning is already coming. I can smell it in the air and it all makes no sense. How could day come so quickly? We need to find Jace and a shelter. How great.

Xena's loud voice disrupted the already unsettled forest as she called for Jace. She quarreled about the birds as she walked. We began walking in silence, surprisingly, in a matter of simple seconds.

But then our silence was interrupted by something roaring as it flew right in front of Xena's face. It was this close to scratching off her face with its claws.

"What the hell is that?" Xena snarled. She isn't afraid of it, she's completely angry with it. Xena is pissed actually. She instantly pulled out her extremely violent weapon, shooting immediately. She missed the thing as it flew around. Its roaring was loud and disturbing. It felt as though my ears were bleeding, but vampires don't have blood.

It looked like a griffin of some sort. It continuously roared and strangely that roar made me feel weaker and weaker. I notice this happening to Caleb and Xena also. She stopped shooting and Caleb was on his knees. It circled us and continued roaring.

"Block your ears!" I shout to them, hoping that they hear me. Caleb thankfully does and he covers his ears. I do this same thing and suddenly if felt like this thing wasn't going to kill us by roaring. It was completely silent now. I glanced at Xena and she was still struggling to survive this. I called for her, but it seems like every time I would call, the griffin roared. Which obviously drowned out my calls.

I got up from my place on the ground to go to her, but as I do so, I notice it leaving. Just like that. It was only then did I realise that Xena had fallen to the ground.

I quickly went to her and slapped her cheek softly for her to get up. I can't lose Xena. She's my only friend. Caleb came to her and he cursed silently.

"Get up, X.." He says.

"Is she dead? How are we going to check if she's dead or alive?" I ask Caleb. He obviously doesn't know and I groan.

"Let's just take her somewhere safe.." He then suggested. I nodded just as he lift her up and threw her over his shoulder. He ran off, probably using the last bit of energy he has. And I follow.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: God dammit, I really hope Xena isn't dead. She was by far my fav character. Who's yours?

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