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It's the middle of the night, but obviously everyone is up, but no one is paying attention. Plus, if they do see us, they're too weak to do anything about it. We're weak too.

"let's just do this before we all wither and fucking die," Xena says as she walks to the door of the training room. She's too excited for this, and Caleb is only going so he might run into Arix. Well he hopes so. Jace is the guide and I have a thirst for the outside world.

Xena and the others were taking fire arm and other stuff that I didn't even know about. I automatically went for the bow and arrow. A smirk formed in my lips as I proceeded to try it out, making sure I still can shoot, although I'm weak as fuck.
I aim for the target then let the arrow go. Just as predicted, it hit the middle and stuck. After which, I sling the strap across my shoulder. I turn back to them.

"you're pretty good," Jace nodded at me. I went to him and smirked, "of course I am."

He rest his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him. Jace grinned and pressed a kiss on my lips. This is a side of Jace that I never expected, but I like it, and I'm glad it's here.

" come on you two, we don't have forever," Caleb says, and Xena added, "exactly. We're all going to die in about some weeks. So let's go."

"I love your positivity there, Xena," I rolled my eyes and began walking to the door.

Now, this is where we have to sneak. We're actually stealing these weapons, so if we get caught, I actually have no idea what might happen. Jace took the lead, but was really for no reason. There was no one here. Everywhere was empty, well besides the main hall.

I feel slightly nervous right now. It's not the sneaking around, though. It's just the thought of going out. I've never done that before, and from what people say, I doubt I even went out as the princess. I have to admit this 'mission' is ever so nerve-racking but exciting at the same time.

I was just following the others around corners and down halls, no even paying attention to my surroundings. We went down a long narrow hall and I hear Jace saying that we're close to the exit. It's  a secret exit, that he obviously used when he was leaving.

My number one question is why did he decide to just leave and kidnap a princess? I need to ask him that, but now obviously isn't a good time.

Soon the others stopped walking and I bounced into Caleb's back. I swore under my breath then stepped back. I apologized.

Because of my height in comparison to Caleb's, I couldn't see outside when Jace opened the door. I had to wait until I actually walked out.

I imagined outside to be dark, of course, and forest, with different creatures running around and fights taking place. I know it's a bit stupid. But when I actually did see it, I realized it was only two of those things; dark and foresty.

"okay, Let's do this.." Xena walked and stood beside me, while Jace went back to close the door. When he came back to us, we all looked at him expectantly.

"are you guys sure you want to do this?" he questioned with raised eyebrows. The others nodded, but I said nor did anything. Jace bit his lip then nodded.

We began to walk into the forest. It made no sense to use our speed because that uses energy, which is something we barely have. We have a few packets of blood with us, but that will barely last anything. Hell, I'm already beginning to get hungry.

I ignore my Roaring stomach and focused on where I was walking. I don't want to trip and fall or anything. And I definitely don't want to run into something that could harm me. I decided to fasten my pace and walk with Jace.

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