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This world consists of humans and vampires

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This world consists of humans and vampires. Humans are in hiding, they refuse to show themselves, in fear that they'd die. But what the don't know is that we don't drink human blood, we're strictly animal. Not a single human has came out to get the truth, because fear is consuming them like a disease.

My mother is the Queen, and my father is the King. I'm the princess of the kingdom, but I don't want to be. It's boring living in a castle and having everything done for you. I'd like to meet a human, or go out and travel. Chances are quite slim when you're a princess.

I flash my fangs I'm the mirror and stared at them. I've never actually bitten an animal. I only drink their blood. It's extremely sad. It's a shame I even call myself a vampire.

I threw my black hair over my shoulder and a soft sigh left my lips. I'm supposed to be at a royal vampire ball tonight. But my mind isn't set on going. I wish I could stay in my room and sleep. But instead, I have to force a smile on my face and mingle with the people of my Kingdom, well parents' Kingdom.

"you look gorgeous," Annie said from behind me. I nod once and turned around, to take a gown from her hands. I don't feel like a vampire when I have to act like this. I feel like one of those scared humans.

"do you think maybe I could ditch this ball?" I turn back at her, but she shook her head. Annie flashed a small smile, "don't worry, Princess, it'll be better soon."

Annie is my personal helper and friend. She's a beautiful blonde, with a great personality. She's got bright yellow eyes, which signifies her social status. Annie is a middle class vampire.

Her pale hands went up to fix my hair then she stepped away for me to put on the dress. I sigh and pull it up my body. I guess I have to go to this silly ball. I already know what's going to happen tonight, and it's going to be stupid. I'm completely against it, but in the royal family, it doesn't really matter what I think. It's only what matters to the kingdom. But I really don't care. I want to be free from all of this.

It's obvious I don't care about how I look right now, because I'm tired. I'm tired of the dresses and crowns and balls. I want to suck blood and wear jeans.

I walk towards the entrance of the ballroom, with Annie following behind me. I'm late. I was supposed to show up ten minutes ago, but I'm here now..

The guy who I never pay attention to, opened the door for me, and just as expected, everyone turned to me. I bit my lip, and my eyes immediately went to mother's scowling face. I know she's disappointed. But she can't really blame me. I don't want to be a vampire Princess.

"come on, Princess," Annie took my hand and led me down the stairs to the main area. Everyone parted so I could walk without interruption. I don't go to my parents, though, instead I go to get a bloody drink. But eventually I had to go to them.

Thankfully, when I arrived at where they were seated, the weren't angry at me. Both mother and father wore smiles on their faces.

"are you ready?" mother asked me. I bit my lip and nodded stiffly. I'm not ready.

"he's a real handsome lad," father tells me. All I could do is nod. If only they knew how much I hated this. I don't want this. I will continue to say, all I really want us my freedom. I feel like I'm being held hostage in this Castle. I have never step foot on the outside world.

I'm not allowed to go out in the day, and at night, mother and father always hosts these balls. When could I go out? They tell me it's dangerous outside the castle, but I don't understand what's so dangerous about fearful humans.

"I'm so glad you agreed to do this," Mother tells me, and in my mind. I completely disagree.


"you are very special," she goes on to say, "and I'm glad you're my daughter." I can't help but wonder why she's telling me this now. Is this some type of bribery? I sigh softly.

I just arrived at this stupid ball and I'm already bored. The only thing that's actually good is the blood. I downed my first glass in some seconds. I was about to excuse myself to get another and I noticed a guy staring at me. I furrowed my brows but paid no attention to him.

I excused myself. Mother glared at me, but I still left. I'm not ready. I cannot do this tonight. I don't want.

I quickly walk off to a hallway. It's lonely here, and away from the crowd. I'm okay with the loneliness. Maybe I can come up with a way to break out of this hell hole... and not the good kind.

I look back down the narrow hall and found no one. It's perfect, if I run fast enough, I could escape. I glance down the halls once again then fasten my speed. But before I know it, a gloved hand is covering my mouth. Then I was pressed against the wall.

I try to get a glance of the person, but my vision got blurry and I felt weak to my knees. My head began spinning and not long after I feel my body falling.


Hi! guys, this story will be pretty short and updates will be regular. Thank you guys for reading! I love you guys!!

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