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"Hey," I stand at his doorway, and he looked up at me. He was reading a book, which was strange. I wouldn't expect him to be the reading type. But then again there isn't much to do here. There's no television, and Internet here; all the humans are dead/ dying, and no vamps are going to stand in front of a camera all day.

"Ah so after you block me from your thoughts, you come back to talk," Jace smirked. I took that as an invitation to come in. I bit my lip and sat next to him.

"Shut up, dude," I chuckle lightly, "I came for a reason."

"Which is?" he pushed me to continue.

"I have a question..." I mumble, hoping he'd be normal and answer my question. Jace groaned and turned towards me, it's obvious this isn't going to go well. I could just tell, he has an annoyed feeling radiating from him.

"And what question is that?" he grumbled. I moved closer to him and he furrowed his brows. I bite my lip, trying to look seductive.

"Wait... You..?" he trailed off. I stared at his confused face for a while, then moved away. There is no way I can do this. Jace is a friend. I'll just accept however angry he gets when I ask him.

"Uh no. I don't like you like that. I just have a question."

"Hmm, okay... What do you want to know?" he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. I smile, "so uh you went to the castle..."

"Yes, so what?" he stood up and looked away from me.


"I just did."

"How? You made it to and from the castle, how?" I stand up with him, "and why are your eyes two colored? What are you Jace?"

"The same as you. What's your problem?" he moved away from me, but I grew closer. He's hiding something and I need to know what it is.

Jace's left eye is completely different from his right. One is blue and the other is a type of weird Hazel color. I don't know what that is and I've never seen anything like that, (well I really wouldn't know). No one has eyes like that, I'm positive.

"Why don't you want to tell me? I know you aren't a full vampire."

He sighed, "I don't even know why you care. That has nothing to do with you."

"Maybe that's how you got to the castle," I ignore what he said, "maybe whatever is out there sensed that you were different and they don't harm you."

"Or maybe I'm just wearing contacts, like you."

"What are you hiding, Jace?!" I raise my voice. He instantly turned to me, "nothing! God dammit!"

"You're lying, Jace."

"Whatever. I don't give a fuck," he grumbled and took a seat. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I'm obviously not going to get through to him. He's not ever going to tell me, and this sucks because I would really like to know how he did it and why his eyes are two different colors. And also, where is Arix and what is she? And why isn't anyone else worried, or questioning it?

"Okay, fine, don't tell me," I sit next to him. He looked over at me and rolled his eyes. He isn't even going to apologize or anything. He just rolled his eyes. I don't want to leave, because I keep hoping he'll stop me and tell me all what I want to know.

"Was that all? Did you just come in here to fucking interrogate me?" he spat. I bite my lip then stood up. Its best I just leave. He isn't going to break and that basically is what I came for.


"Hello guys," I was interrupted by Xena and Caleb. Jace let out a sigh and slouched in the couch.

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