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I didn't run away. After I realized how fun these guys could be, how could I? I never expected Xena, of all people to actually treat me like one of them.

I was up all night with Xena, Caleb and Jace. I'll admit, it was really fun running around with them like drunk idiots. They were extremely childish.

I haven't seen Arix all night, I have no idea where she went. They say she was still out hunting, but I don't see what else she's hunting. I mean, everyone who went out was is back already, why must she take this long?

I don't pay too much mind to it, because in all honesty, it isn't any of my business. And her supposedly 'friends' don't really seem to care, so why should I? I know she was a kind friend towards me, but I can't sit and worry all night. Plus they say she won't die, her boyfriend, Caleb said she could really handle herself, and everyone else agreed.

Morning came rather quickly and it didn't really bother us. We're all closed up in here, we could care less about what goes on outside. Jace and the others are having breakfast, I already did. They told me I need to stop acting like a prisoner so much, meaning I only stay around them, and I've barely been around the place. So that's what I'm doing. I'm using speed of course, because this will take me all day to do.

It was pretty boring, just as Jace said. Just vampires everywhere. I actually met up with Ellen, and she was really kind and smiling, although during the entire time she was talking to me, I was checking to see if she was lying. I guess it's a habit, I do it with Jace also. They are the two major liars I've encountered so far.

Speaking of him, I could feel his presence behind me, to which I instantly turn. We were extremely close and I had to take a step back.

"I'm not a liar."

"Will you stop that?" I grumble and begin to walk again. Not long after, Xena appeared next to me, "it's annoying right?"

I nod my head at her and Jace scoffed.

"I could teach you to protect your thoughts from him. Just like he protects his emotions from you," Xena offered. I grin, "Yes, please."

Jace laughed and went off. Xena came in front of me, "let's go to my room."

After getting there in like a millisecond, we took a seat on a couch. She grinned at me, "You know he needs to be here right? That's why he ran off. He obviously likes listening to your thoughts."

"Ugh, so what now? Do I have to chase him down?" I sigh exasperatedly. Xena laughed and shook her head, "just call him."

I opened my mouth to call his name, but her cold, pale index finger went to my lips. She shook her head, "with your mind. Even if he's not listening, he should hear."

"And how do I do that?" I question, staring deeply into her icy blue eyes.

"Focus. Close your eyes, focus and call him," she urged. I furrowed my brows while awkwardly closing my eyes, one at a time. I hear Xena chuckle softly.

I try to focus.

But I keep thinking that he'll never answer. What if I mess this up? I know Xena will be disappointed. She expects me to get this...

I say his name, but I receive nothing. I don't even know what I'm supposed to feel... Or hear.

"This isn't working. I don't know what's supposed to happen..." I mumble shamefully. I don't know why I'm so stupid sometimes. I can't even mentally call Jace, wow.

"Okay just clear your mind. If he hears you, you'll know it, you'll feel it." I didn't ever expect Xena to be like this. I thought she would be that type of bratty bitch, not a brilliant expert.

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