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From what Jace tells me, this is a safe house. Vampires of their type stay here. He continues to tell me I'm not like them, but I can't see why. What's so different about me?

I know me being a princess or whatever is unlike them, but nothing else seems to differ between us. Aren't we all the same?

"No," he answered me abruptly. I glance up at him. I hate the fact that he can hear what I'm thinking. It's irritating to have him read my thoughts like that.

"And it's irritating for you to read my feelings the way you do," he tells me and I grumble. I haven't even done that in like the past half an hour. He's just pushing it with this stupid reading minds crap.

Thankfully he didn't reply to that. He just laughed. It's the first time I'm seeing this guy smile, though I've just met him...

Anyway, this place is huge, and Jace refuses to show me the entire thing because he's lazy. He only showed me where I'm supposed to stay and the kitchen. For the rest of the time he was leaned against a wall, smoking. He totally ignored my presence.

I was surprised that Jace was silent. I expected him to have a stupid comeback to all of my thoughts. That's weird. I looked up at him, he's actually at peace right now.

"Why are you looking at me, red eyes?" he asked me then went down the stairs quickly. He was at the bottom of the stairs while I was still at the top. I begin to walk down.

"You have speed for a reason, red eyes. Use it," he grumbled. He's annoyed, and I actually enjoy this. He's funny when he's annoyed. I take my time to walk down the each step, well that is until Jace came back to pull me down quickly. Gosh, he's so violent and rude.

"That, I am. Now, you're going to meet others. You need to keep in mind that you're different and kit everyone will like you."

"Will you stop telling me that? I'm just like you guys."

"No you aren't, red eyes. Now let's go."

We walked through what seemed like a foyer, to a lounge area. Everything in this place was painted in a dark color, mostly black. And everything looked like a hundred years old.

Jace glanced at me then rolled his eyes and walked faster than me towards a group of young vampires. Honestly, everyone in this entire mansion (if I may call it that) is young, physically. It all depends on when you were bitten.

"Why isn't she back with her royal peoples?" a red haired female spat just as I walked into the room. She detested me. It's obvious. I didn't have to read her feelings. Just the tone in her voice says it all.

"Shit happened," Jace said to the girl. I'm so confused. Who royal people? Are they here? Or what?

"Anyway, red eyes, this is Xena," Jace pointed at the red head, and she flashed her fangs at me. I bit my lip, drawing a bit of my own blood and swallowing the small amount. Jace moved on to a guy, with messy black hair sitting atop his head. He was buff and actually really good looking.

Jace glanced at me knowingly and smirked. I blushed a bit then looked to the ground, waiting for him to continue. "Anyway, this is Caleb. And that's Arix." Arix seemed nice... Nicer than Xena, by far. Her hair was cut short, like that of a pixie. But somehow, I feel like I know her. I can't put my finger on it, but I know her...

None of them waved nor said 'Hi' to me though... And it was pretty awkward.

They all were marked with tattoos and their eyes were deep blue. Basically everyone in this house had those features. And then I glance at my skin, I'm clean.

Maybe Jace was right... Maybe I am different...

I wonder if it's good or bad...

Jace grabbed my arm and turned to walk out of the lounge area. All of the vampires in here looked at me weirdly, and there were like a hundred plus. I felt extremely uncomfortable and indifferent.

I ran out of there so quickly I don't think it could be counted on a clock. I go to the only place I actually know in this house; Jace's room. He joined me seconds after. I plop down on his couch and bite my lip. I take in some blood, like it's a drug.

"Told you that you were different," he tells me and grabs a cigarette. I run my fingers through my hair and sighed. The little amount of blood I took from myself helped nothing.

"You need to feed," Jace stares at me. I glanced at him, but I was too frustrated to even read his feelings right now.

"What?" I asked puzzled. I'm not hungry. I feel indifferent. I don't want to be here at all. Everyone else has tattoos and blue eyes. I don't. According to Jace, I have red eyes, and I obviously have clear skin.

"Why don't you take me back to where I belong?" I ask him, before he could reply to my previous question. If I don't belong here, why not just take me to where I belong? No one wants me here, so I should leave...

"You can't leave here. If you do, you won't make it to the castle alive. And I'm not going to accompany you," he coldly replied. Jace was just neutral. He had no feelings at this time. I stare at him. I wish I could understand him...

"Why do you want to understand me?" he rolled his eyes. I stared at them, closely, for a while. His eyes are different.

"Uh I don't..." I mumble, "What color are your eyes?"

Jace looked at me, then he dropped his gaze to his cigarette. He was nervous. He doesn't want to talk about his eyes, yet he calls out the color of my eyes like they're so different. His eyes are barely even flicking blue!

"Uh you should drink something, come on," he turned and began to walk. He's completely ignoring my question. Why can't get just tell me what's up with his eyes? Does he think I'll tease him as payback or something?

Well, if he won't hear me verbally, then I guess I'll have to think about it.

Why color are your eyes?

What color are your eyes?

What color are your eyes?

What color are your eyes?

I look up at him, finding a pretty neutral face. And that's exactly how he was feeling. What's going on? Isn't he supposed to be at least annoyed by this?

"Aren't you listening to my thoughts?" I ask him while folding my arms. Jace smiled then shook his head, "nope. I don't want to listen to your thoughts anymore."

"Wait, you can turn it off and on?" I asked bewildered. Jace groaned, "you ask way too many questions."


He quickly ran off, leaving me to find my own way to the kitchen. Just great. Did he forget everyone in this house hates me?


Third chapter guys!! I really, really hope you are enjoying the story so far. And you guys should share it. Please.

-  Leigh Anne <3

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