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Everyone is out hunting, they've been out there for like hours now. I don't understand it it's so dangerous, why are they taking such a long time to get back? Plus, the ones who did come back here, soon went out again, like Arix and the others.

Ellen put Jace responsible of me (though I don't need it) so he wasn't allowed to go. I don't have to read his emotions to know he's pissed. But I really don't care.

I have a question, which I think I deserve, considering the fact that I woke up earlier and knew absolutely nothing about my past. I still don't know anything, and that's why I need to get my questions out. I just hope Jace doesn't answer with a lot if hostility.

He was bored, and giving me the most cold looks. I don't get what's his issue. I mean, it isn't my fault-

My thoughts were interrupted by him, "yes it is. It is your fault."

I fold my arms across my chest and glance at him. It's not my fault. "How could it possibly be my fault? You took me from my home to come to this stupid place where everyone hates me!"

Jace rolled his eyes and stood up from the couch. Within seconds he was out and back in the room with a cup in his hand. He took a seat once again. He knows I'm completely right. Which is why he isn't saying anything. He knows it's not my fault. Jace us just looking for someone to blame besides himself.

"Okay, I get it. It's my fucking fault, can you shut up now!" I think that was supposed to be a question, but obviously came out as a command. I bite my lip and look away.

I'll admit, Jace is frightfully intimidating. His voice was deep and demanding. If felt like he was the royalty ordering the peasant.

I look at him, intending to keep my gaze for approximately only two seconds, but I found his eyes on me already and I stared longer.

His eyes are different. They aren't just blue. It's two different colors, but if I even think about asking him about that, he'll shut me down. But that only increases my curiosity.

I finally look away completely then stood up. I feel him staring at me, but I don't look back. I walk and slowly run my fingers across the wall. I wish there was a window or something, so I could at least see what the outside is like.

"It's not something you'd like to see," Jace says to me and I turn my head to look on his direction. I nod my head, then go on to question, "why? What's so dangerous?"

"Stuff." I really can't see why everyone us so closed up. Is it because I'm supposedly royalty? Or is it too dangerous for my ears to hear? If so, would they keep me in here forever? Don't I have to see the outside sometime, or will they treat me like the people they hate the most?

"Tell me what's so bad about the Royals," I softly request, then walk back to my seat. Jace scoffed, "are you seriously asking that?"

"They're fucking selfish bastards. They only care for themselves. They fucking lied to all of us, saying they would protect us, but obviously they didn't because-" Jace stopped himself. He bit his lip, "uh yeah... They're just disgusting, okay?"

"Uh... Okay..." why'd he stop? Was that something personal he was going to say? Gosh, now I feel like I'm prying. Which I'm not. This information is supposed to be told to me, they are my family. Whatever personal thing Jace was going to say would have been unnecessary. I understand that he doesn't know me and it's none of my business. But I can't get the curiosity pulling on my tongue to stop, making me ask more and more.

"Why do you hate them so much?" I question. He signed, "because of what they did. Is this done? I don't want to talk about this shit..."

"Okay," I nod. Whatever his reason is for not wanting to tell me (although it hurts), I'm going to completely accept and respect his decision.

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