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What am I to do if I thought what I did was right, but if feels so wrong?

I should have left him, right? As much as I hate to say it, He would have left me.

But I guess that's the problem, right? I'm not him. I'm not that heartless Jace that cares for no one. I couldn't leave him. I know, this isn't him. He doesn't really want to be there, that's why I didn't leave him. And I knew what would have happened if I did. Those mermaids would have slowly killed him. They only care for themselves and would have given no second thought to killing Jace just so they could survive.

But I just can't be like that. If I were in their position, I wouldn't have done that. I Guess I'm just kind...generally. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"Jace, please snap out of this trance..." I say to the rather reluctant guy sitting across from me in a dark place we found. There's nothing in here and its really dark, so we decided to just crash. And by 'we' I mean me. Jace basically fought me all the way here because he wanted to go back. It surprises me that he's actually sitting here and not fucking running away.

"You don't know shit, Jaxyn. I'm not in a fucking 'trance'." He obviously believes he belongs back there with them. I think I might have to re-build my already broken relationship with him now. And its going to be ten times more difficult, because we all know how stubborn Jace can be. But I really have no time for that. We have to make it to the castle.

Though I highly doubt that might even happen, considering the fact that I'm basically already gone. I couldn't remember the last time I ate something good. I was tempted to eat the stupid mermaid, but I keep telling myself her blood could have been poisonous.

"Would you stop being so difficult?" I groaned, "Gosh, you really don't know what its like to have to deal with someone like you."

"What's that supposed to mean, Jaxyn?" He stared directly at me and his face was completely serious and firm. It was intimidating to be honest. But I've gotten so far with him, I'm not going to cave now because of a silly intimidating look.

"it means you're a Jackass half the time... actually all the time. I only put up with you because that's just me... I'm stupid and kind like that."

Jace didn't reply to me. I don't know if he's thinking about what I said, or if he just don't want to have to think about it, so he's ignoring me. The latter sounds more like the Jace I know. I stared at him, waiting for his eyes to meet mine.

I know I shouldn't have told him that. That was extremely stupid to say and I really want to apologize now. I mean, I like Jace, a lot. He's just really rude, but that's why I like him I suppose. My point is, I feel wrong, completely, for telling him he's a jackass all the time. Gosh I'm such a 'good-guy'. I hate it.

"Look, Jace, I didn't mean that.."

"whatever, it doesn't even matter," He's hiding what he's really feeling and this 'I-don't-care' attitude is just a phase. If only he would let me in... I moved over to his side and sit next to him. He looked over at me awkwardly then faced front. I felt like he was uncomfortable with me being there, so I went to move away.

I was half surprised when he told me not to.

"I don't want to be here right now. Especially with someone who thinks I'm a jackass," he says as I take a seat. Is this what he stopped me to tell me? Really?

"I don't think your a Jackass. I'm Sorry. Do you want to go back with those stupid ass mermaids who were planning to kill you?" I raise my eyebrows. Jace chuckled, but nodded, "They weren't going to do that."

"Yes they were, Jace. Will you at least listen to m for once!" I raise my voice, "She kissed me and I was in that exact silly trance, and they were literally eating me. You really have to snap out of this. Come back to me."

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