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"well they used to eat Animal, but obviously they died out, now they want human," Ellen explained. I run my fingers grouch my hair, "do they even know we exist?"

" of course they do. But they don't care. I hate to be like this, but the Royals only care for themselves. Us, down here, doesn't matter. We're last."

I played with the pieces of string sticking out of her couch. Ellen just seems stressed and hungry. I can't blame her really. Everyone is stressing and it's been a week without a good meal. I don't even know how we're still alive. There is little blood left and when they go out to hunt, it's barely anything. We're dying slowly.

"so what are we going to do?" I left the others so I could speak to Ellen. I want a better understanding of the situation. Just want to know what would happen to us. Will we just die and be forgotten?

"I don't know, love. I wish I could tell you that everything will be okay, but I can't. Everything is not okay. We're running out of blood and there are already dead vamps," she softly say.

"what?! Dead?" I try to keep my voice soft. I can't believe this. There are already dead vamps. They're dying of hunger. Something needs to be done, but I don't know what.

Ellen nodded sadly. I feel sick, which is impossible for a vampire. It won't be long until we're all dead, again.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I got up. Ellen watched sadly as I left. I know exactly how she was feeling and I knew she wasn't lying about anything. This is really happening, and vampires are dying. And there is nothing we can do about it.

"so, what's the word?" Xena and Caleb were waiting outside the door for me. I shook my head at them and a look of worry took over their features. I guess everyone knows we're all going to die, this was just the confirmation.

"just fucking great. Those bloody Royals, yet again," Xena cursed. I bit my lip softly and began to walk. Everything is going down. And it's not just the fact that we're dying.

It's Arix. She's not back, and when she is does get back she'll see everyone gone... That is if she gets back. Words going around that she's dead, and that's taking a major poll on Caleb. He's looking worst than us all. Arix is gone and now we're dying of hunger. It's a surprised that he even left his room today.

And then there's the complicated topic of Jace. I feel like we've been fighting with each other all day every day. And it's all because he's being secretive.

If we all die today, Jace will die hating me, I'd die hating him, Xena would die angry with the Royals and Caleb would die missing Arix. None of us would be happy. And that's terrible. I've never actually paid much thought to how I would die, or how I would feel in that point in time and that's because I don't know. I don't know what might happen or how I would feel, so I never thought about it.

Everyone wants a peaceful death; in their sleep. No one really wants to be shot or stabbed to death, but those things happen. I don't remember how I initially died, and I don't know if I'm happy or sad about that.

But now, at my second time, I'm going to know. And I don't want to be hating anyone, I want what everyone else wants. A peaceful death. I can't be at peace when I'm disliking someone, or regretting not talking to him in my final days.

But then again, I don't want to die now. I'm a vampire, we live forever, why should I allow this kill me. I think we can over come this. There must be humans hiding out, we can find them. But whatever we're going to do, we can't die. Not of hunger.

I reach his room in some seconds, leaving Xena and Caleb in the halls. Once again, I find him reading. I take a seat next to him and slowly took the book from his hands. Jace turned in the other direction and picked up another book.

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