Wrong Doing

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Glimpses in the mirror make it hard to see through

All the pain that you caused, and all that will ensue.

A pressure on the mind, a whisper in my head

Trying to worm back into places long ago dead.

The tingling in my toes makes the fall seem not so far

For in the end we are all just raindrops in the dark.

Looking for you in the moments between breathing,

I know your face from all that I've been beseeching.

You sing to me gentle words of bliss, ever divine,

And I slowly, ever slowly, descend into the ravine.

The vines wrap around me, and for now I have not a care

This jungle can take me, if I am lost I will find you there.

It does not matter anymore how the tangles drag me on

All that I see is the grey of your eyes, the anointing flame

That blinds me from the rest of the world, and their placed shame.

If it is possible, our hearts are intertwined with the mist,

Together, forever, slipping down into uncharted bliss.

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