Silent Screams

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Save me with your smile, with the light in your eyes.

Pretend that in the middle of the night, you didn't hear my cries.

I try to forget, I know I should move ahead,

And not let thoughts of him fill me with dread.

The scars are deep, the flesh still red.

I fought to run away, I almost ended up dead.

So help me to forget, this mess that I dream

I know that he is not worth my screams.

As my body shakes and tears fall down,

Hold me to you and comfort me without a sound.

I need you here, or he will come stalk the stars.

I know he cannot reach me, I know he's behind bars.

But that does not help, the fear that I feel.

Pressing, drowning, I need you now, you are real.

Press your lips to mine, drown out all the hell.

Swallow my screams, for there is no more to tell.

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