Arson ( this is the title and it IS long enough. Dont fight with me wattpad!!!)

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Set fire to me watch me burn

Lets sit on the rooftops and hope they all learn.

Differences are the basis of reality,

But hell what would we know?

Along with the flames we slipped into insanity.

Hesitation is a dangerous thing

Something born out of the ashes of remembering.

Chain away all of the pictures, locked in a dark room

Light the match, the first flame is yours

As long as you sear away that doom.

Stand with me, away from that crackling, smoldering sound.

I'll be your compassion when yours was burned into the ground.

Watch the moon rise over the chaos we have caused.

Bathe in the night, rise against the wind

Your fire is the only thing keeping me from being lost.

Yes, hard to believe, I have always been there

Just out of view, blocking you from the devil's stare.

Differences keep a fire between us, embers always within reach.

Raise your face to the skies, breath in the smoke, adrenaline on our tongues.

I do believe it's finally time to light the fire and start the breach.

                    ~feeling dangerous~ Lyn

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