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I heard a whisper of you the other day

A whisper of lies, of death and decay

It brought upon me so much fear

That I pushed you away, everything I hold dear.

We yelled, fought, shoved, screamed,

And it all amounted to nothing, or so it seemed.

I do not know when, how, or why,

But all I really wanted to do was hold you and cry.

It's just... I was too angry baby don't you see?

I couldn't see past this veil of insanity.

Scared of you, anger clinging tight to the bone

If I had let it loose I would have known.

Instead I ran away, as fast as I could go

And I tried to bury these feelings in the snow.

But now the shades are raised and I can see,

That the problem with this all... was me.

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