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Those kind words kept replaying over and over in my head as the guys made there way off stage. I gave them all a hug and was so happy. I haven't felt this happy in a while it felt amazing. My walls had built up again. Stronger this time harder to break down. I'm planing to go to Pizza Hut to celebrate later. Haha.

The guys had come off the stage now and Jake had come to give me a hug. Then cc shouted "group hug!!" And jumped on me and Jake and soon enough Andy, Jinxx, Ashley and Juliet joined in. We stayed like that for a little while until  I got really hot and stuffy. I thanked the guys for sharing their sweat with me. Which made them all laugh.

I couldn't wait to do more tours in the future. We had gotten back into the tour bus when I had first saw that my phone was blowing up with notifications. Most were off Facebook. Fans had enjoyed the show and had sent friend requests and messages to me about the show we had just put on.

I immediately went and accepted the requests and spoke to a few of them. It was amazing to find out that so many people had enjoyed my singing and had remembered me mostly from what I looked and sounded like as I still hadn't changed my name to Biersack as I wanted to keep my personal Facebook with my mums name.

I didn't have a Twitter account so the guys set one up for me and within a few minutes of it being there I already had people popping up to me. Later that evening me Jake and cc sat with the laptop and put us on live were we spoke to thousands of fans. Lots who still didn't know of me yet but they did now.

Videos of me sining with Andy were already on YouTube with hundreds of views on. More and more people knew about me. Then I got a message of a very familiar person. 

Hey. I've updated this chapter as you can obviously see. I'm back yay!! I can update again too!! Hope you guys enjoyed. Bye!

BvB saved meDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora