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Andy burst into the room after hearing that news and gave Gina a big hug. Then he saw Juliet and went over to sit on the couch.

We couldn't believe that Gina was leaving. I couldn't believe that it was one day till I was on stage. We had one more practice at 3 today.

******time lapse******

Practice went great! God il be doing this in front of people tomorrow. I wonder what they will be like. If they will cheer or boo at me.

I guess il find out tomorrow.

It was half past five and we had just finished eating. We had a pizza delivered to us. It was massive so we only got one.

After the pizza we started watching movies. We started with batman and got to watching poltergeist after.

I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon. I will hopefully be the best day ever.

I'm so so so sorry for not updating but thank you guys for getting this book to 1.23k reads at the moment!!
Hope have enjoyed and there's not much more to write. Thank you for reading please vote and comment. Bye!

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