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Jinxx rang the school and told them I wouldn't be in for a while because of what's happening to my mum. They were fine with it and let me off.

I was sat by Jake crying into his shoulder. I couldn't believe that my mum was taken into hospital because of cancer.

The doctors had taken tests on me to make sure I don't carry it. I don't and I'm so thankful for it. I don't want to suffer what my mum is suffering right now.

I looked over at cc he saw me and gave me a weak smile. Over the last few days cc had grown to be my brother and my mum treated him as her son.

I hadn't felt so alone but so close to people in a while. I was in a small room full of people but I still felt on my own.

My mum had been taken out of the room and to a separate one to see what they could do. We had to wait to see what was happening.

The doctor walked into the silent room and started to speak but the only thing I heard was
" I have some bad news........."

Thanks again for reading and happy new year!!

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