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At about 3:00 we had a practice of saviour I think it went really well Andy did the screams in the end because I really can't do them.

I love to sing and to be singing with Andy Biersack, Ashley Purdey, Jinxx, Jake pits and cc is just the best.

I wish that my mum could be here to see what I'm doing right now. She would be so proud of me but she will always be looking down on me from the sky I guess.

I was sat quietly drawing the design  for my next tattoo when there was a knock on the door. At first I stayed put but the knocking on the wasn't stopping so I got up to go check who it was.

The guys had gone out to get more clothes for the tour. I had asked them if I could go with them but they said no just in case anyone rang or knocked.

I opened the door to see Gina the woman from the police office standing in front of me. She wasn't in her uniform so I let her in side to talk.

I fetched her a glass of juice and asked why she was here.

"Hi Scarlett I'm here to speak to Andy. Do you know where I could find him?"

Hi. I am SO SORRY for the slow updates I'm trying my best but school is getting in the way. Anyway thanks for reading!!!

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