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When we walked in Andy and Ashley new Alex the tatto artist and he seemed really nice. He took the drawings I had made and got set up.

It did hurt but I think I was expecting it to hurt a lot more. I took a look at them and loved them.  He had done such a good job.

We didn't have to pay because Alex knew the guys well and did it as a birthday treat. We went back into the tour bus and sat down.

When we got home I sat by my mum and showed her my favourite of the four tattoos I had. I made sure I definitely got one dedicated to her.

On my back I had a beautiful heart in a bed of thorns it's wasn't big but going across the heart I had a scroll with the word mother on. When I showed her it she pulled me into a hug.

The rest were just tattoos. I had one on my right ankle which was a rose. I had a small bvb logo on my hip and a black rose with thorns on my upper left arm.

After having a pizza party and a laugh I made my way upstairs to sleep knowing of what an amazing 16th birthday I had.

Thanks for reading!!

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