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After watching one batman movie Andy put the next one in. Jinxx and my mum (Jess if you want her name) were still talking but they were now talking about the tour. 

I slid from one sofa to the other and  sat with cc. I put his arm over my shoulder and he looked down and smiled at me.

Jess' POV

Scar was so happy with these guys around I couldn't have said no.  That all seem friendly enough and I'd hate to see her unhappy.

I haven't told scar or anyone yet that I can't do much anymore. My back hurts and I keep throwing up. This doesn't seem like the flu. I'm just ill.

I looked over at scar and she looked as if she was about to go to sleep so I gave cc a nod and he understood what I meant.

He picked her up and took her to her room. She had already gotten dressed into her pjs before the guys even came round. So she went straight to bed.

How are you guys liking this please tell me in the comments. Also tell me what to improve on.

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