PSA Type Thing

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Hi guys.

There's something I'd like to address.

Sometimes, I'll be looking back at old comments on old chapters, which were made before certain books came out or they included ships that I USED TO ship.

It seems like those get many mean-ish comments, because of canon ships that came in later books.

I'd like to point out that some chapters were written before that ship was ever really a thing.

There are plenty of ships I wrote about before I knew better, or before a book came out to make it happen.

I ship plenty of ships like solangelo and other like that.

If one half of a couple in a chapter is Nico or someone, that chapter is most likely a requested OC or was written BEFORE that certain book came out.

I don't want to delete old chapters just because they contain a ship that is unlikable. I may not ship the ship in that chapter, but I worked on that chapter and I want to keep it.

Thank you.


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