JP (model) living a double life

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**i been busy lately but this is a new story im playin with...i was waitin 4 sum1 to read it b4 i posted it but i cant make yall wait any longer :) so here it is and 3 votes and ill continue :)**

"Ok I need you to do that one more time for me."

"Mom! Am I done yet?"

"One more for me June-Pearl."

"June, mom, June."

"Just do as Jean tells you JP."

I posed just as he told me to do. I really hate this. Stupid photo shots. God how did I ever get myself into this? Oh that's right I didn't.


My boyfriend, Tyler, and I were walking through the mall. This guy came up to us and looked at me funny.

"Has anyone ever told you how great a model you'd be?"

"No and why would I care?"

"I can make you famous."

"I don't care."

"3000 bucks a shot."

"She'll do it. Do I get profit?"

"Are you her manager?"


"5% then."




"Meet me at this address tomorrow."

He handed us a card and walked off. I turned to Tyler clearly I was pissed.

"Come on babe, you'll be famous."

"I don't want to be, why did you tell him yes?"

"Look I don't want to play this fucking game with you June-Pearl."

"What game Tyler?"

"You can either do it or ill make sure to tell everyone of your dirty little secrets, and I'm sure your mom will have you on the next plane to boarding school."

"What secrets?"

"Let's start with you and Bri. That's not something we want mommy to know about now do we? Hum maybe she'll like to see the video of just how wild her baby could be."


"Fine Tyler, but I'm not your girl no more."

"I don't care."

Cold hearted son of a bitch.

*end of flash back*

"JP, honey you're done."

"Good, I'm freezing."

She put a towel around me and we walked to a place to put my clothes on. I wasn't nude or anything, just in a skimpy two piece modeling for surf boards. I threw my pants on and my jacket.

"You talk all that money shit, I'm going for a walk."

"Okay, you got your cell?"

"Of course."

I walked up the beach and onto the dock. We just got to Florida yesterday. My mom promised we could take a break so I can start school tomorrow. Wonder if everyone will make a big deal out of me? Nah, I don't use my name for modeling, I use Pearly. Who needs to know my real name? I wasn't even paying attention and before I knew it I hit someone or something so hard I fell back.

JP (model) living a double lifeWhere stories live. Discover now