Chapter 29: Treehouse

Start from the beginning

Jinyoung and Youngjae each swoop beside me and hook their arms with mine. "Now it's time to escort you to your destination." Jinyoung motions to the door. "This way please."

"Why thank you."

They take me outside of the building and to the side of it where a bike was leaning against the wall. Jackson hops on the blue ride and brings it forward to us.

"You're taking me on this? Do you want me to stand on the pegs or something?"

"No wait!" Youngjae calls from behind. He rolls a small carriage looking thing towards Jackson and hooks it onto the bike. "We're taking you on this. Well, Jackson will. We'll meet you over there."

"Wait, what do-" but before I could finish my question, they already took off to who knows where.

"Just sit tight and enjoy the ride, Sungjee." Jackson started pedaling, slow at first but got gradually faster as he adjusted to the extra weight.

Then again how could I enjoy the ride when many passerbys were giving us strange looks. I had to cover my face at times from the tomato color that appeared on my cheeks. I check my phone, 4:27. The sun would be setting in a half an hour or so. And at Jackson's leisurely pace, we'd get to the place by midnight. However it was giving me a nice breeze so it calmed me down a bit. Jackson started playing some rap music though and was enthusiastically and dramatically rapping along with it. Kinda killed the relaxed mood since I couldn't stop silently laughing from the back of the ride. Who wouldn't laugh? He's just so cute. Look at that bucket of smiles and laughter.

About two and a half songs later he turned into a big park. One with a nice pond, lots of scenery, and not to mention a colorful playground! The sunset in the background was adding even more beauty to it. He rides a little further before stopping in front of a big tree.

He holds his hand out to me after getting off the bike so he can help me out of the small open carriage. "We have arrived! Too bad you can't hear me rap anymore though. I still had a whole playlist left!"

I laugh and jump from the carriage. "I think those two and a half songs were enough to show me your mad skills."

"Really!?" He puts both hands on his cheeks and does that adorable squeal thing of his. "Thanks Jee! That means a lot. But this night is not about me. It's about you...and someone special." He smiles big at me and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Yeah yeah, I know. But you don't have to get all creepy with it Jackson." I cross my arms and pout at him but he spins me around and guides me towards the tree.

"Up you go." He pulls a thick rope ladder from around the tree and motions upwards. That's when I realized that there was a decent sized treehouse constructed about 10 feet up this huge tree. It was actually pretty fair in size so I felt pretty lame for not noticing it right away.

I grasp onto the rope ladder and make my way to the top. I had a little trouble actually getting inside because I didn't want to flash anyone below me due to my dress. Yet eventually I made it in.

Wow, this tree house was pretty cool. There were LED lights strung everywhere which gave the place a nice glow. There was a little balcony on the side and a couple of windows. I turn around to keep looking around the tree house and notice something on the back wall. Twine was strung across the wall with multiple photos pinned to the brown string.

I step nearer to the photos and notice that they were all photos of me and Yugyeom. All of our memories conserved on these glossy pieces of paper. From my birthday, to Christmas when we fell asleep in the fort, when we had the chicken pox together, and when we were opening our Christmas gifts together the first year we met. That was the same day he gave me that beautiful locket I deeply wished to see again. And that was the same day I told him he'd be famous one day and that I believed in him. Now look at him. I've never felt prouder.

When We Were Young// Yugyeom •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now