Trampled Under Foot

Start from the beginning

   Inside was chaos. Everyone was either trying to get in or get to the food courts. Robert, Jackie, and Vicky presented their tickets to the ticket guard at the entrance to the concert and he let them in. Vicky was only hungry for some hard-rock tunes. They found their place in the very front past the general admission area of the court and Vicky was sure that Robert had recollected in how long it had taken to get such good tickets.

   Robert had stayed up for three nights straight on the phone, dedicated to getting the three tickets that were promised on the radio. Miraculously he had won by being the hundredth caller and here they were. Vicky stood between Jackie and a man she did not know. They were arms-length from the stage and Vicky gulped with fear. She knew the crowds would push forward and squish them against the stage. But it didn't matter.

   The stage was barren of important people but loaded with instruments and roadies. Page's Gibson Les Paul stood erect, propped on a stand. Bonham's drums had his characteristic logo on the largest one, the logo of the three interloped rings. Standing next to the drums was Jones's bass. Vicky watched hungrily as a roadie carried a microphone to the center of the stage. Commotion grew to a deafening volume. Someone in the business was smart enough to start playing music over the speakers. It was softly playing Black Dog, but loud enough to make the huge center of at least 13,000 people quiet down to listen to their beloved band.

   It was at least twenty minutes before anything happened. But when the lights dimmed and spot lights of green, red, blue, and yellow swivelled forward to face the stage, there was a collective intake of breath as well as screams. It was about to begin. Vicky couldn't stop shaking. Her legs were just two balls of pent-up energy. Adrenaline had to be pumping out of her at five miles a minute. Jackie was no different.

   Everyone screamed, including Jackie and Vicky, as-- in semi darkness-- a man walked out, followed by three other men. The first man walked the microphone on the center of the stage; Robert Plant. If his hair didn't give it away, it was his tight bell-bottom pants. A second man picked up the Les Paul by it's neck and slung the strap over his shoulder, then walked to the front of the stage on the right wing; Jimmy Page. The third man retired to the drums with a flip of his long brown hair decorated with a bandanna headband; John Bonham. Finally, a fourth man grabbed the bass and stood near the keyboard toward the back of the stage, keeping his head hung low; John Paul Jones.

   Light shot to them at once, making the black stage explode in brilliant light. All four men were down in a bow, their long hair level with their knees. The crowd screamed again. The lights shifted as the men stood straight and smiled devilishly. Vicky shouted at the top of her lungs to Jimmy, telling him that she loved him. He glanced at her and she nearly fainted. Jackie screamed and kissed her boyfriend quickly. The look on Robert's face was amusing to Vicky-- he had a crush on the four men on stage, she just knew.

   Plant raised his hands for silence, laughing when it was not given. Everyone in the back seats stood up and clapped. There was no way it was going to get quiet, for not only was the crowd shouting in excitement, but the entire Civic Center echoed wildly at even the faintest of sneezes. Or at least, it did. Vicky was sure that the managers had done something for the acoustics in the room, because if they hadn't it wouldn't be an enjoyable concert.

   John Paul talked into the microphone. "I think Robby has something to say!" His voice magnified throughout the whole circular Center. But to no avail; the fans screamed even louder and he grinned. Jimmy was the only one with a solemn expression, ready to play and getting antsy.

   "Hey!" Robert shouted, laughing. Finally it began to quiet a bit, although it was still loud. "How are we supposed to play with you all shouting bloody murder out there?"

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