BTS SCENARIOS- Favourite movie

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Jungkook's favourite movie would be Billy Madisson. Its about a man who hadn't quite grown up and therefore wasn't mature enough to take his father's job... So he completes all of his grades from prep to 12 in 2 weeks. It's a funny movie and fits perfectly for Jungkook.

V would watch E.T. I mean, DUH! It's probably the first thing anyone thinks of when someone says alien movie... Or a movie V would like. Taetae is an adorable little alien... So apart from the fact that E.T. is more scary than cute, it is still an alien movie.

J-Hope and hairspray. So. Very. Yes. The movie is a little old fashioned but it is also a fairly happy, musical movie. It contains many songs and happy dance which would be perfect for

Jin would watch a classic, romantic, drama filled movie... TITANIC! This film is a classic that's full of lots of drama and romance. It's quite a mature movie.

Suga I feel would watch a horror movie... Paranormal Activity... Any of the movies! On the outside, he'd probs be totally chill and cool about it but on the inside, he'd be like ERMAGERD WHAAAT!!

Jimin would watch Fast and Furious for sure! Cars and muscles... Perfect! Although, I'd like to see Him in and the rock take each other on in a strength competition!

Rapmon would watch Ted. This movie is crude... But its really funny (A/N- I HAVEN'T WATCHED THIS MOVIE BUT I'VE SEEN PREVIEWS). I feel like Rapmon has an itch for a little comedy.

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