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The sirens went off.

Red lights spinning around. Spilling from the gaps of wherever she was.

She was lying flat on the surface. Not much air around her. It was relatively hot.

She tried to make herself sit up. And later was caught with a pang of pain from her back.

The last thing that she rememberes was this.

"The following names belong to the people who are not immune.


Her head throbbed hard. That's when her stomach ached and eveything she has came out of her mouth.

Her vomit was sprayed towards the floor and on her uniform. She couldn't care less.

Janson lied to me. Braun lied to me. Brenda lied to me. They all did.

Tears started flowing from her eyes.

They all told me that after the scorch eveything would be alright. Every last one of my remaining friends would be safe. But no one warned me about this whole flare thing. And if they all knew about the flare why would they send them out into the scorch?

I shouldn't be surprise about this. When I found out about the Grievers I know there's more installed. But this is worst. Newt has the flare. It means he'll slowly go....

The words can't even fall on her subconscious.

Then what's next? Another set of Trials? Then a final candidate? It isn't Newt anymore. So it's either Thomas or Minho. And I've learned my lesson. I know there's going to be something wrong with the Final Candidate.

Her thoughts flew when screaming echoed from outside.

People were running. She couldn't see. She was trapped insidesome sort of box and the gaps above her were to small.

"Keep going to the Berg. Take cover behind the hatch door. Wait until we start moving, then cover us, Fire like crazy til we get there!"

"Thomas?!" Skylar raised her head immediately upon hearing those words. And it made a huge impact to the small ceiling abover her.

Not caring, she scrambled on her feet and started pushing the walls around her. While the world goes in chaos.

"Thomas?! Thomas help me!" Everything was made with steal. "I need to get out of here!"

Then everything fell into pitch black darkness.

It took long minutes of infinite darkness until, she was now in another place.

Bright lights. Handcuffs. Two guards behind her. And the person she used called her bestfriend.

"I trusted you Braun." She hissed. "I thought you were against all this trials and only did your job because you have to. You helped me sneak up to the monitors. Change some if the courses. But then you never told me about Newt."

He was infront of her. Eyes on the floor.

"I told you I didn't know about the flare thing. That's classified information and I don't have an access. I only know about what Janson sa-" She cut him off.

My Last Request- Newt Death CureWhere stories live. Discover now