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Everyone loves the playroom.

Although it's not literally a playroom. More like a training ground. A beginner's training ground. Since the subjects were still kids back then.

It was a year already when Skylar meet her new found friend, Newt. And they did get along very well.

After all the pizza stealing, made them close. She would spend a couple of hours in his room for a while.

She wasn't permitted inside the training ground. But for today, she was assigned to deliver protein bars and leave it by the door. Not entering inside.

8am they're training already! I hope I'm lucky enough to catch anyone of my friends outside. She thought.

Skylar cheerfully bounced alone in the long white corridors of WICKED; carrying the box filled with protein bars.

Finally, she reached the mettalic two way door.

She placed her ear at it. Wanting to hear what's going on with her friends.

"C'mon Tommy you can do better than that!"
"Run minho!"
"Give me a hand here Alby!"

Although she loved her little job and thankful that she wasn't going to be sent in the maze trials, there was a little jealousy crept in her. She wanted their andventure.

Back then all of them were only told that it was only some trials. That each of them had important roles to fullfil. No death or killing was mentioned.

Before she could turn around and be on her way, the door suddenly creaked open.

"Hey" Newt appeared. He was all sweaty and dirty. His hair was all messed up and his body had a couple of bruises.

"What happened to you?" She can't help but letting out a snort. Looking at her bestfriend's appearance.

"An ugly guy did a bloody extreme trainin' for us." He spat. Then crooked a smile at her. "What about you, what are ya' doin' er?"

She pointed at the box. "Delivering protein bars."

"Good thin' it's not the nasty squishy veggie now." He took one out and ate it. "Why don't ya' come inside?"

"I'm not all-" She was cut off by Newt who pulled her inside the room.

The both halted once the door slammed shut.

Skylar's jaw dropped as her eyes scanned the whole ground.

It was big as a football field. There were many obstacles and training objects to stimulate them. It was like a training camp for soldiers. Only more extravagant and bigger.

The mettalic ceiling, attached with lights was fifty feet high. The ground was filled with artificial grass. There were rock climbing sections, running sections, and fighting sections. All filled up with the subjects.

In the middle of the ground, there was a big platform with a microphone. There was also a rat like guy sitting in a plastic chair in it.

Newt spread his hands and spun around of her. "Amazin' isn't it?"

Before she could respond, the rat guy stood up and spoke at the microphone. "Calling the attention of all subjects."

Everyone stopped their training and made a circle at the platform. While Skylar and Newt didn't moved.

After everyone settled down, he spoke again. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm A.D. Janson one of the soon to be officials here at WICKED."

"I have two thing's to tell you. First, as you all know everyone has a specific role. But some of the roles here are only needed to supply minimal needs of the final candidate. Infact worthless."

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