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Getting back to the entrance of the mall was a lot easier than Skylar had expected.

After Newt had cleared the area back to counter eighteen, everything went smooth. It was like as if nothing had happened in the department store. Everyone were back to their shenanigans.

Back at the lobby, their pack was there. It wasn't complete, she expected some to wander off. But it still amazes her that these guys could still remember and stay as a group. Even though she could notice others unsure of what they're doing.

"Five minutes and we're off" Jarvis instructed. He stood in front of the large glass window. He seems to be observing the city. Or whatever was left of the city. She couldn't tell.

"I went around lookin' for an exit" He stated blankly. Nobody was listening to him. Except for her and Roselle. "We'll just get down to the second floor and go. I don't really know where else we'll go but'll make sure we have some place to settle."

"Are there any cranks around Denver?" She hesitated at first but finally asked him. Stepping up closer to him. She wanted to see the city.

"Besides us?" He moved his head. Eyes still glued down the window. "Of Course there are a lot. Although I haven't seen many but I could feel and hear 'em."

She pressed both of her hands on the glass. Feeling the coolness of it. Then her eyes went down to the streets.

City lights. Tall buildings. Cars. Busy people. Everything and everyone's heartbeat thumping along with the city. That's how Denver used to be.

Now all I see is blinking lights. Crumbled structures. Jammed cars. Corpses. And the sound of a silent tension.

And I'm about to enter that atmosphere in about three minutes.

She pulled herself of the window. Leaving Jarvis there. "So what's the plan?" He blurted.

Her head turned back when she heard him. "You're the leader of this group. You make the plan." She answered.

"I don't have anything left. No ideas." He turned around facing her. "I don't think I could think properly anymore.. I don't think I could lead ya'll" His eyeballs when in circles his fists clenching.

"Is it about the guy back at the woods?" She remembered when Newt decided to ran away. When Jarvis had a fight.

"No" He bit his lip. Head down. Circles moving. "I just don't know if I can hold it until I save you guys."

She stood infront of him. Giving him some inspiring words would help. Atleast. I just wish that it won't sound just like some false hope. "Well atleast try to hold on. I'm sure you'll fix it."

"I couldn't save her" His eyes stopped moving. That's when it was connected with hers. "I didn't save the woman I love. I could atleast save you all."

This guy was more than a crank who likes to plan out stuff and lurk around the palace. Like some kind of mayor in the place. There was something else.

"Jarvis." Words were running out. That's when something hit her.

"I couldn't save him either" I couldn't save the old Newt. "I could atleast try saving him" Her head tilted towards Newt who was resting his legs on the corner of the lobby. Try saving himself from the incurable disease. Trying to bring him back.

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