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A few people were already emerging in the streets. It's a really good thing that the shouting hadn't started yet.

The people are walking around and some are just laying blankly.

Skylar saw a few drops of blood as they went inside the Central Zone. "So what happens everynight here?" She asked Roselle in curiosity.

"Crime. They all happen everynight. Also everyone who is still awake are dragged in a street fight." She answered glancing up the drops.

Skylar thought that it was the reason that Newt wanted to sleep before sunset.

They both walked near the walls. It seems like it was the same way where she and Newt went yesterday. She was hoping that Newt wasn't up yet. Or else he'll think she left him. Which is partially true.

"So" Skylar started the conversation. "What's your brother like? How old is he? Is he gon'na attack me if I saw him? No offense on that one though."

"Hmm" Roselle continued walking. "He's a year older than me. Don't worry I locked him up and I think I can control him."

Skylar felt fear again. She only agreed to tell Roselle her story. Not to go to his brother. Who seems to be dangerous. Well why would Roselle lock him? It's all because of her pity that she came along with Roselle.

Finally, they halted.

She felt her chest tightened when she saw the place. She backed up her feet and lowered her head. Not wanting to see the horrible thing she did yesterday in this place.

"I know what happened here" Roselle's face turned into a serious one.

Skylar didn't speak. She kept her head down. Not wanting to look at her or the place. That would mean the guy she killed was Roselle's father also. And the guy whom they said to have 'set free' must be her brother.

She didn't run. She was expecting a punch or bitter words since she deserved it.

It must be a trap. Her subconscious added. Why would she pull you out of your sleep? And acted all friendly and bring you here? It hit her hard.

She was about to run when Roselle spoke again. This time it shocked her. "Thank you for lessening my problem."

She stared at her with wide eyes. "What? But the guy with brown hair? Your brother?" She nodded. "Said that the guy that I killed was your father?" Confusion was lurking around her.

For a moment there, Skylar actually thought that this girl was insane.

"He's not" She cleared out. "He's just an old shop keeper that kills people who never payed him. My brother needs protection in this place. That's why I made a deal with him that he can have my brother. He said he never had a son before, I only agreed for my brother's protection. It's against my will but I have no other choice. My brother seems to obey him and not me."

"But sooner, the flare was starting to show greater effect on him. And he's gon'na loose it anytime. I told him that I'll clame my brother back but he almost killed me. I was thinking of another way but... thanks to you I don't have to anymore"

Skylar felt a huge weight fell of her shoulder. But there were remains of guilt since, she killed somebody.

"Come inside. I've convinced him to stay back in his room."

She was scared to see the man again. She was very much hoping that Roselle moved the man's corpse away.

Just as Roselle was about to open the door, "What's your brother's name by the way?" Skylar bought some time to be ready.

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