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Newt got up on his feet. Causing her head to almost fall on the floor.

Luckily, Roselle caught it on time. He dashed towards the door along with a few people.

"Your boyfriend is a complete asshole. And you still want him?" She said supporting her to stand up.

"You wouldn't understand me if I said yes. And he's definitely not an asshole. He's just sick. And he was my boyfriend" Skylar assured her. And aslo herself. Time hadn't changed nor WICKED hadn't changed Newt. He's still the swet old boy. That I use to know. He just happened to have the Flare.

"Love can do weird things." Roselle snorted. "Now let's see what's that street fight's all about."

The door was packed. Everyone wanted to see the commotion happening outside. But it scares her that nobody wanted to go out.

She immediately spotted Newt. He was at the edge of the door and it looks like he was yelling. She couldn't understand what he was saying. That's why she dove in the crowd.

His words became a little clearer now. "Why don't stop this shuckin' nonesense and try settin' our plan for our bloody break out!" "You piece of klunk!"

After all the squeezing, Skylar was finally near Newt. She could hear someone reponding to him.

"Hey British dude! Shut your tomato and come here and be my next challenger!"

People were chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" This isn't good. She got a glimpse of the guy who was challenging him. He was tall, mascular, and dirty. Newt wouldn't stand a chance. Not that she didn't think that he was strong, but she was judging from their body structure.

Before she could snap back to reality, someone pushed her from behind. Causing her to fall in the street. She fell on the dirty ground.

"Hey lady! You want to be the challenger?" She opened her eyes.

A few knocked out bodies and a lot of trash were seen on the street. Each house has people gathered around the door. Nobody dared to go out.

A few feet directly from her, the guy who was challenging Newt was giving her an evil grin.

The sky had already turned dark. People are shouting all over the place. Each in different directions. There's no telling who or where that sound came from. The street fights had just began. And she was here proposed as a challenger.

Oh shuck it. She tried to stand up. Almost loosing her balance and falling off.

She removed the plastic cup that sticked in her cheek. Also the extra trash sticking on her back.

People started chanting again. She looked back at the house which she came. The door was magically locked and no one dared to peek.

Skylar knew people were inside there. Are they scared? Because I am too. Damn I'm left alone here challenging a psychopath.

Her heart tumped when the guy started taking a step closer. He clenched his fist and laughed hysterically. She officially got herself in a street fight.

She slammed herself at the door and began knocking and shouting. "Help me! Help me! Open this door!"

"Everyone is scared of me" The guy laughed. She was totally frightened now. The same time annoyed that no one dared to help her. "I rule street brawl! You're friends aren't gonna help you. If they dare, they would be my next."

"Roselle!" Skylar legs began shaking. It was the fourth time she got in a situation like this. And this time even Newt couldn't help her. "Newt! Help me! Newt! Newt! Please! Newt!"

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