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Her new life or "soon to death" life wasn't beginning yet.

Skylar looked down on one of the glasses inside the Berg, seeing the half burned forest. A hundred feet away from it was her destination. The Crank Palace.

Braun, her only friend left when the trials began, stood by her as the ramp of the berg came down. It was squealing non human noises, metal againts metal, screeching.

"Skylar are you sure about this?" His voice filled with worry and concern. "There's no turning back and I'm not allowed to save you if those monsters-"

"They're not monsters" She cut him off. Addressing the cranks as monsters also mean addressing Newt as a monster and all those innocent kids infected by the flare.

Braun sighed and gave her a weak smile. "You really love him, do you?"

She nodded. "More than anyone and anything else" A tear almost escape her eye. The memories came flashing by her mind. As if it was a movie in a fastforward pace.

"Goodbye Skylar" Braun grabbed her arm and pulled her into a tight hug. Almost crushing her. But neither of them mind it. "I love you, my bestfriend"

"I love you too, my bestfriend" Her tears streamed down to Braun's white shirt.

Braun was her partner in crime after Minho was sent in the glade. They both rebeled against their bosses at WICKED. Braun was the person who always saved her butt from getting into trouble. Although he was a part of her schemes.

They finally let go and Skylar took the first step down the Berg. She took one final glance at Braun and waved goodbye.

Finally, she went down. The Berg ascended up the sky leaving her. Alone. Alone, Dirty and Scared.

Being dirty was a part of her 'pretend to be a crank game'. Her shirt and pants all covered with mud and all tattered up. Filled with holes and patches. Her tennis shoes looking like a hundred years. Her brown hair all sticky and messy. She was already a crank by appearance. All she needs to work on was her acting.

"Why are you doing this? Run away now!" Her subconscious spoke up. She ignored it and continued walking at the half burned forest. No turning back.

Skylar worked for the WICKED for seven years. Her job wasn't like those who cut people open and operate the trials. She was nothing more than a girl who delivers coffee and food for the staff and subjects. That would explain why she met Newt.

Newt, the boy who always complained that the food was too dull. The boy who was full of surprises. The boy with eyes filled with hope. Hope that someday even with the sunflares and the deadly disease, people could still be happy.

Newt, the boy she fell inlove. The boy who was afraid to loose her. The boy who took away her nightmares. The boy who would risk anything for her.

The boy who forgot her. The boy who fought to death for survival. The boy who had the flare.

And now he was the boy she was coming back for.

After watching him perform at the maze and the scorch, she began to miss him more. For almost three years of not seeing him, she awaited for the Crank Place. To see him again. Live. She was praying that he was still the same guy that she loved and will ever love.

After knowing what Janson had said about him, she started rebelling against WICKED again. The first was when Newt was sent up to the maze. But this was way more than that.

She thought that after all the trials they would be back together, just like what Janson had said, but no. First is that WICKED had something more installed for them. Especially the final candidate. Which is obviously Thomas. Then the fact that Newt didn't want to get his memories back. It hurted her but she knew why he did it. WICKED can never be trusted.

Now she's here and seeing him again. Well there's no other way left. Will he be the same guy she was dancing in the sunset with? Or did the flare ate his brain already? The thought of it made her sick.

Why was she doing this? She could just get back to WICKED and get back to her normal life back there. Or she could go back to Denver where she originally came.

But she choose to be with him. To be with him until he dies.The world was already klunked and it couldn't get worst. Newt was the only one she has left. And soon to be gone. She wants to be with him for one last time. Even if he doesn't remember her. And even if she also dies here.

After a few steps, Skylar spotted the guards. They haven't saw her yet. They were busy talking to each other.

She hid behind the trunk of a huge oak tree. It was still recovering from the recent catastrophe.

Skylar didn't how Cranks act. Of course she has seen one from the WICKED screens, but not in real life. She didn't dare to observe them long.

Being in Denver when she was younger, she had no clue what a Crank was. But now she was going to face a lot of them.

She tried to recall what Braun had said to her on Berg. Braun knows a lot about Cranks. He was part of the staff that operated the scorch trials.

"They have no idea what they are doing. All of their actions are exaggerated. They can be so happy, sad, angry, or fluffy. And moodshifts are too often. Cranks can be so violent or too scared. They exert all their effort to keep calm. Just choose what type of crank you are and don't act relax. Tell them you just got the Flare and act all bipolar."

Those were Braun's words to her before they said their goodbye's. Also those were her guidlines to this whole new environment.

A memory came flashing by. When Minho told them that they would watch a really cool action movie but he fooled them. It was a movie of a princess who was really cheesy and fluffy that everyone in the room got a nerve for her and Minho.

That was the kind of crank she was going to be. Skylar traced her pocket for her knife. Just incase something goes terribly wrong. She immediately detected it and stood up.

"Here goes nothing"

Skylar was hopping like a lovestrucked idiot. She was smiling from ear to ear and swaying her arms. She thought this would totally convince the guards that she has the flare, even without checking it.

The small guard who's hair was shaved, immediately spotted her. He pointed his launcher at Skylar's chest.

"Whoa whoa baby boys" she fluffily said. "I just want to go to my pretty pretty pretty castle and I guess this is it." After finishing that sentence, she made a hysterical laugh.

"You have the flare?" The tall one with the mustache asked.

Moodswings. Skylar thought. She got down on her knees and started pounding the floor while fake crying.

"Stop telling me!"

To make the scenario more believable she tried to remember the grievers when the creators made them. Transferring all the goo to their body. That's when she vomitted. She accompanied it with laughter and coughing.

She didn't want to them to think that she was way past the gone. So she stood up and pretended to force herself to stay calm.

"I'm sorry. It's just my family dropped me there" she pointed back where the Berg left her. "They told me I was dangerous. They all hated me. They said I should go to the Crank Palace where all stupid people go!"

Skylar saw the that the two guards started to pity her. Her acting had finally worked. They looked at each other and nodded.

"Welcome to the Crank Pl-"

A deafening shriek echoed thought the whole area. It was like someone was being slaughter.

She immediately reacted and got on her feat.

The shriek was like a warning to her that this wasn't a good idea.

Edited June 2016

So it explains why Skylar wanted to be in the crank palace and how did she got in.

I'm open for all your questions if anything isn't clear or stuff :)

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