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They've decided to cover the entrance with furnitures to secure it. Also the windows.

Getting inside was a piece of cake. But reaching their destined floor was another story.

The steps were crumbled and the elevators were busted. To make things worst, everyone could barely see their way through.

Skylar would trip on every floor they would encounter. Newt facing the consequence as he was directly behind her.

Based from what they saw. They owned this week place. No one was here. For now.

Seventh floor was a huge lobby with nothing more than sofas and clothing scattered. There were a few rooms on each corner. Filled with beds. But everyone has decided to spend the night closely at the lobby.

"Hey" Newt approached her. "Mind if I sit here?"

"Not at all. I want you here." She smiled offering him a seat. Her back against the wall. As she faced her friends resting on the whole area.

"Can't believe that I'm still alive." He randomly said. His shoulder brushing with hers.

"Me either." She admitted. "Before this whole mess I was afraid of what I'll be going through." Which is true. I'm afraid of the whole Crank Palace.

She handed out the bliss to him. Making sure he was sane enough to start a conversation with. Which he gladly took.

"I'm not afraid anymore. I've learn to accept it. I learned to fight." He folded his pants revealing his limp. "You've seen this shuck right?"

She nodded.

"I'm going to tell you how I got'et."

She perfectly knew what happened but she didn't know what happened inside of him that time.

"I was confined by the walls around me. All day runnin' and findin' a way out of this bloody mess. I lost my hope that time. Am I forever bein' stuck in this maze? Is this a bloody game? It's not funny anymore." He closed his eyes as his hand went up and down his limp.

"It was a normal day back in the glade. I told Alby I was goin' to run with Minho. He knew I was. I'm a runner after all back then. But I felt like I want to address it to him since I thought it was my last time talkin' to that guy. So me and Minho parted ways as he got deeper into the maze I took out the edges findin' the perfect vine to get up too."

His voice was getting lumpy as his eyelids move recalling that memory.

"It was almost night time which mean I had to go back. But what I did was to climb that shucking vine half way through then let go. Instead of my head slammin' down to the cement, my leg got stuck in the vine then I passed out. I was screaming before I could let go. Screamin' at WICKED for puttin' me into this. Screamin' at my family wherever they are or whoever they are. Screamin' at myself for being so weak that I had to do this." His head faced down. Then he decided to connect his eyes with hers.

"Alby and Minho knew it. But you're the first person that I ever talked about it. I don't know if I should regret that day or not. Yes because it caused me this that hindered me from savin' my other friends. No because it made me stronger until this day. And if I died that day. I would be happy that I wouldn't have to go through all of this. But we would never meet if I did. And I'm happy I didn't." He folded his pants back and leaned next to her.

"Haven't we really met before?" He chuckled. "It's the bliss I know but you're really familiar. And like I always said I have the power of unconsciously and consciously savin' you."

"I don't know." She was cherishing this moment. The world and the mess was gone. It was only her and Newt once again. "But if we ever did. I want to meet you again. And again."

"I think I finally figured it out." His hazel brown eyes locked with her dark brown ones. "This is crazy. I know but you're makin' me feel weird. A thin' that I haven't felt like forever. I bloody hate you for that but somehow you kept me goin' at this idea that you and me alive in paradise."

His eyes widen. "You're the one who kept me goin' this entire time. I can't die because of you. I can't leave you."

She felt herself tilting towards him. As her heart screaming with joy. "You kept me alive this whole time Newt. I became strong."

"Because of you."

She knew what was going to happen next. And she doesn't know if she was prepared for it. This time she knew everything would burst.

But then Newt stood up.

She was taken by surprise by his actions. Crushing the excitement and feeling that made her alive once again.

Then he offered his hand.

"May I have this bloody dance with you madam?"

And with that everything was back. The lights. The smell of the lounge. Newt on his tux. She was on her electric blue sleeveless dress that Teresa salvaged.

She could hear the slow music inside her head as they started to move in sync the lobby. Eyes locked in each other.

Nothing else mattered to her. Back in reality. This was reality.

I know he doesn't remember anything but he was feeling everything the same that is happening to me right now.

"Dyin', turnin' crazy, and loosin' it doesn't matter. I was afraid of being a crank before. I don't know when but eversince I knew about 'em I was scared to death. Now I'm not. Back at the maze after the limp incident I remembered one thing." He smiled as they swayed around the non existent music.

"That I should keep fightin' somethin' is waitin' for me after this bloody mess. Obviously I would loose all the amount of hope I have but it would alarm me. This is another crazy thing. I don't know if it's false hope or it's you. Even at that time."

She was absorbing everything he was saying at this night. This night that could be their last. And the feeling kept burning between them. The long lost promise slowly being claimed.

"Now let me do the talking." She chuckled. Hand on his shoulder the other intertwined with his. "You're the own that kept me fighting at this mess. I don't need to go through the maze or anything to prove that. I know it. I feel it. And as hard at it is to accept. I don't think we'll see each other tomorrow."

"I know that." Newt nodded. He wasn't hurt. It feels like he knew what she was going to say next.

And surprisingly, he really did. "Let's grab every bloody thing we can tonight. If tomorrow, we won't live. Atleast I said this all this night. If we can't reach paradise atleast I'll die by your side."

Time was stuck. His lips crashed with hers. That's when it was him and her again.

No disease. No cranks. No WICKED. No death. No maze walls.

It was only Skylar and Newt.

Everything made flashback at the back of her mind. When she was nine when she met him back at his room crying. Up to this place. All the words. All that had happen. Reached out for her. Pulling her into that void of them together.

It lasted for about a few seconds then they let go.

And she felt floor 7th's lobby again and applauses around them. Their friends had their reactions. But nothing still mattered.

"Do you want to grab everything to night?" She focused on his eyes as it trailed towards the one of the rooms.

"I do, Isaac."

I was his and he was mine more than ever that night.

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