Chapter 22: Staying.

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                               (Erica's POV)

I woke up to the phone ringing, and immediately ran to it.

"Hello. This is Erica speaking" I blurted out.

"Hi dear, it's Lexi" The voice I haven't heard in about three years spoke.

See Lexi’s like my second mom, she likes to travel a lot, and mainly I think it's because she hasn't found her mate, well that's what she told me. But Lexi was my mom's sister, well her twin to put it bluntly. She hates when I call her 'Aunt Lexi' it makes her feel too old. She's what 32 now? Not that old I guess.

"HOW ARE YOU?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LEXI" I screamed through the phone.

I heard a laugh on the other line. "Just came back from Paris, It was amazing. How are you? How's Ren? And Sarah?" She seemed happy.

I guess she didn't know that her sister died two months ago, I didn't blame her though, she had her own life, but she did try to keep in contact even though she traveled so often.

I changed the subject quickly.

"Did you find your mate yet Lex’?" I said trying to sound happy.

She hesitated for a minute, but recovered. "No, not yet. But how are you guys doing?" She pressed noticing something was wrong.

Tears formed in my eyes as I spoke. "She's gone Lexi, she's gone" I whispered.

Lexi's tone changed, "whose gone honey?"

"M-Mom" I said through my teeth.

There was a long pause over the phone.

"I'm going to be at your house in maybe four hours okay darling?" She said calmly, but you could tell she was holding back tears.

"O-Okay" I said before hanging up.

I brushed the tears away, and began preparing Aunt Lexi's room.

When I was finished, I ordered 15 large pizza's because I remembered the pack was coming over too. Including Angela. Angela first made a huge fuss when she smelled me on him, but he convinced her that the smell was always there, she was just too mad at the moment.

I was back in the pack, only because Kai kind of forced me too. Well saying he wouldn't talk to me isn't really forcing me; it's just being bloody childish.

I didn't even make eye contact with her, or any of the others - including Sarah. I would only talk to Corey. Only because, he called the day after my mother died to apologize, and explain that if he did anything Brian would be forced to kill him. I already knew that went for all of them, but only one of them actually had the balls to apologize, or talk to me.

What usually happened at these dinners was we ordered food, small talk would be made, the guys would either play their games, make out or take it upstairs. So nothing really changed there.

All of the girls I used to call my 'Best Friends' were forever giving me apologetic looks, which like always I ignored.

As for Kai and me? Well we would make small talk around everyone, act like we had nothing between us. 

The best part about Lexi was she was exactly like my mother, and I don't just mean by the way they looked, I mean by the way they acted too; but they would never admit it.

I knew she'd be depressed inside, and probably be balling her eyes out on the flight here, but when she actually arrived at my house she would act like everything’s fine.

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