Chapter 16: Hidden Secrets

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(Erica's POV)

It was 3am in the morning, Eunice was asleep, and I had just woken up. I knew that I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep again, so I'd just have to make do with the sleep I had already gotten. I got out of bed, and decided to go for a run.

I went outside, stripped, and ran into the forest.

I could smell everything in here, even if it was 7 miles away, and then the smell hit me.

I couldn't control my wolf anymore; she ran closer, and closer towards Kai's scent. When I got closer I heard moaning, and that's when I smelt Angela.

The scent hit me hard, and I think I felt my heart actually break in two. I stood there, maybe seven metres away from them, hidden in the forest, and he was already having sex with this slut he met a day ago.

No doubt he knew I was there, I could have smelt them from 7 miles away, I'm pretty sure he can smell me when I'm 7 metres away. I didn't move, just stood silently, and let the tears fall. I wouldn't let him hear me cry, I knew the sobs would break out soon enough, I ran even farther into the forest. My vision wasn't blurred, but I was still lost.

I ran until I got a bit tired, marked an arrow in the dirt pointing my way home, and lay down. Tears rolled down my eyes, and I didn't move. I didn't know how long I stayed that way, but when I opened my eyes, the sun was out, and everyone was trying to talk to me through the mind link. I wasn't 'asleep', maybe 'zoned out' is a better word for it.

"Where the fuck are you Erica?" Kai's words popped in my head.

"Everyone’s been looking for you girl" It was Mika.

"ERICA!" Nicholas.

"Yo Bitchass where you at Cass?" Ella.


"Everyone’s worried about you, please come back" Corey.

"Girl where are you, like everybody's totally like freaking out!" Rashan said in a girly voice, if I wasn't depressed, I would have burst out laughing. Too bad.

"Erica, the party starts in six hours" Eunice said.

That was her way of saying 'If you look like shit tonight I will kill you'.

I sighed, and got off the forest floor.


I cut him off. I knew everyone could hear us, but I didn't care.

'You swear to god what? What else could you possibly do to me now? You can't hurt or break something that's already broken' I said back.

'Where are you Erica?' Brian said through the mind link.

Shit, he's Alpha. Stupid Kai probably told him to ask.

'Don't worry, I'll be home soon anyways' I say back.

'Everyone’s waiting in your yard, you better hurry up' Brian said.

'Will do' was the only thing I said back before I cut everyone else off.

I ran back as fast as I could, I could tell Brian wasn't happy with me. I got there in twenty minutes, woo!

I walked slowly from the edge of the forest, to my backyard where everyone was standing in there human forms. I saw my clothes on the floor, soaked. Ou, I wonder WHO that was... Stupid slut and her new friends. I looked up, and met Kai's eyes. You could tell he was angry, but nothing else showed.

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