Chapter 5: Friday's The Night

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(Kai's POV)

After she kissed me.. we spent all night eating, talking, watching movies, cuddling or making out. I enjoyed making out most ofcourse, well duh I'm a guy.. No I lied.. I loved hearing about things like what her favourite colour was.. which is blue.. just like her beautiful eyes. I mean damn.. I could stare at them forever without even saying a word. The night went by so quickly, I don't know where the time went.

She was about to leave my room and walk to the guest room to go to bed.. What was she thinking? Obviously I wanted to spend the night with her. Damn, girls are slow.

So I grabbed her hand and held it mine. It felt like time stopped and there was no one else on this earth.. just me and Erica; and that's the way I liked it.

She broke the silence. "Yeah, Kai?" she said calmly.

"Uh, sleep in my bed?" I asked her grinning.

"Errrrrr.. Kai.. I thought we were gunna take this slow" she said confused.

I swear she should be blonde..

"No dummy, I mean lets sleep SLEEP in the same bed not sleep as in have sex" I said rolling my eyes at her.. "Do you always think about sex, gosh Erica" I said chuckling.

She blushed then punched my shoulder playfully. I laughed.

"Your gunna pay for that, Rawlins" I said smirking.

I then picked her up and threw her over my back and headed towards my bed.

I threw her on my bed, took of my shorts and jeans.

"Uh Kai? what are you doing?" She asked nervously.

"Chill babe, do you expect me to sleep in my jeans?" I asked her.

"Oh guess not, sorry" She blushed.

Just then when she inhaled deeply, she smelt other females on me.. I knew this because, I saw the pain in her eyes.

I jumped into bed beside her, wrapping my arms around her waist and bringing her in closer. I moved my head into her hair, closer to her ear and whispered.

"Babe, who was the guy you were with" I asked casually.

She looked shocked.. "Uh, wellllllll...... promise you won't be mad?" She asked hopefully.

"I'm not promising anything babe, now tell me" I said using my alpha tone.. which made her scowl.

"Uh.. well you know how me and Mattie used to date?" She said looking away.

Oh god.. her first time was with that asshole. I wanted to rip him to shreds.. AND HE WAS STAYING AT HER HOUSE UNTIL TUESDAY.

"Umm.. yes?" I said looking straight into her eyes.

"Yeah, well.. it was with him.. " she said blushing and looking away.

"Oh.. well I don't think I'm letting you go home until tuesday" I said thinking.

"Why?" She asked confused.

"Cause I'm not letting you and him be alone, and If I'm there I'll rip him to shreds" I said smirking.

She laughed in my arms and wouldn't stopped till I bit nibbled on her ear.

She looked at me weird. I just laughed. Then she remembered what subject we were on, and didn't even bother asking me who my first time was with.

"Babe" I said looking at her.

She looked at me.

I kissed her forehead.  "Cass, all those girls meant absolutly nothing to me, I swear. None of them have ever made me feel, the way you make me feel" I said this now looking at her.

"How do I know your not lieing? or you just won't hurt me again?" She asked.

"Well you know I'm not lieing about you meaning more then any of those sluts did because, I never once In my life ever took the time to get to know any of them. The only reason I would know anything about Abbey is because, we were friends before being together. But, Cass.. I'm not promising I won't ever hurt you, because chances are we will get into arguements.. everyone does. But, I swear I won't ever try to hurt you intentionally" I say looking into her eyes so she knows I'm not lieing.

She nodded and pecked me on the lips for three seconds, and pulling away before I could turn the kiss into a make out session.

She smiled at me. "I believe you" was all she said in a soft tone.

Then she lay her head on my chest and fell asleep on top of me. I felt it much easier to fall asleep when she was In my arms. I don't care If I showed any of my emotions anymore, or If it wasn't manly too.. Boy was I whipped.

(Erica's POV)

The next morning I woke up thinking it was all a dream till I felt a pair of strong arms holding me. I opened my eyes only to find me in Kai's arms. I liked the feeling of being his, I mean yeah he hurt me but, he was my mate? It's not like I could live without him.

I climbed higher up so now I was sitting on his chest. I decieded to wake him up the same way I had woken him up when he slept over at my house.. Muhahahhaa.

I kissed him for a good minute, first he lay there still asleep. Then as I put my tongue on his bottom lip and ran it from side to side his eyes slowly opened. Then I started kissing him again. This time he kissed back. After 5 minutes of his tongue wrestling with mine, I pulled away. Then I made my way down his neck leaving butterfly kisses all the way down to his bellybutton. As I was doing this, I heard a bunch of moans and growls. I giggled and down. He had a boner? Whatta perv.

I looked up back to his gorgeous face and whispered "You're such a perv" In a flirtatious voice.

"That I am, But I can't help myself when your with me" He said smiling and chuckling.

"But why'd you wake me, It's so early Cass" He asked looking at me.

"Aren't we going to school, you lazy bum?" I asked confused.

I mean he did say we were ditching earlier but, I thought he was just joking..

"I told you we were ditching didn't I? My mom called in for both of us letting the school know we were both 'sick' " he was now smirking and winked at me.

Kai showed me the shower and lent me extra clothes.

After I showered, he took one.

I decieded to make us both breakfast while he was showering since, I woken him up so early.

When he walked In the room, he was topless and was wearing shorts.. I bit my lip. Mm.

This made him smirk. "What's for breakfast honeybun?" He said chuckling.

"Who you calling honeybun.. KaiiiieeyPoo" I said smiling and giggling at the same time.

He was now glaring at me. Oh lord have mercy. He was going to chase me.. wasn't he? I ran to the other side of the counter ready to lunge away. When he jumped over the counter and landed behind me. His arms now around my waist firmly. 

"Don't try to run sweetheart" He said whispering in my ear, sending shivers down my neck. I felt his breath against my neck and I just couldn't help it anymore. I turned around and started kissing his neck.

That's when my wolf had full control of me and despite what anyone said at this point nothing would stop me. My wolf teeth came out, and I bit him.. leaving my mark on him. He let out a moan. So I gave him hickeys all around the mark, making him moan even louder.

I stop and look up at him. He smirks at me whispering "My turn" in my ear which again sends shivers down my neck.

He started kissing me, then made his way down to my neck. When his teeth sunk into my skin, it didn't even hurt.. It left a weird sensation lingering along my skin. He left hickeys all around my mark, it felt so good I couldn't even stop him.

Until we heard someone clear there throat from the bottom of the staircase. Then we both jumped apart.

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