Chapter 1: A new Life and Meeting my mate.

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I woke up to the warm feel of the sun on my face and the most annoying sound I had ever heard in my entire life.

Beep Beep Beep!!!

Oh God, make it stop. I officially hated my alarm clock. I put one pillow over my head, while reaching out for the alarm clock. In one swift movement, I threw it against the wall in hopes of stopping the dreadful sound.

A smile made it's way onto my lips as the irritating sound had finally stopped.

When I got up I didn't recognize the room or the bed I lay in, and then I remembered I was living with my mom instead of my dad.

I always lived with my dad in Phoenix, until he got shot when someone was robbing convenience store and passed away... Which resulted in me moving to live in Canada in a small town called Grande Bend.

I didn't hate the idea of living with my mom, she is more free spirited than my dad is. She could care less If I came home at three am as long as she knew where I was, which was pretty cool. Oh and did I forget she was filthy rich. I'm not usually spoiled but I loved when I could spend money and wouldn't have to worry about it.

My name is Erica Rawlins. I have tanned skin with long dark brown hair that stops at my elbow and blue eyes. I'm fifteen turning sixteen in a week and starting at my new school in two weeks.

I unpacked all my things and got settled into my new house.

I spent the rest of the summer hanging out with my mom, reading and working out.

School and my birthday were coming soon, and as each day passed by I noticed my mom acting stranger and stranger.

Until the day before my birthday, my mom wanted to talk to me.. Which I found quiet strange since she would usually say what she needed without being so worried.

"Honey can I talk to you for a minute?" my mother asked while pacing the room.

"Yeah sure, what's up mom?" I raised an eyebrow, but smiled.

"Well honey, I have to tell you something and I'm not sure how you'll really re-act.. But it has to be said since it can't be put off any longer. See, your father and I both come from a line of werewolves and you'll turn into one tomorrow on your 16th birthday" She breathed for air after blurting that out way too quickly.

"Mom are you drunk? Or have you been smoking?" At this point I thought my mother was crazy.

She chuckled for a while and then stopped and began to speak. "No dear, I'm very serious right now. Ever notice how your dad would leave for long hours in the evening? Probably because, he would shift into his wolf and run in the forest. I'm sorry for not telling you, your father and I were going to tell you together so I'm sorry if this is too much. " She sighed.

"Mom are you being serious..?"

"For the millionth time yes honey, and just for you I'll demonstrate"

Just when I was about to ask what she meant, I saw a white wolf in front of me with black spots near her ears.

She came closer and started licking my face and just then my mom appeared in front of me... Which was kind of awkward since she had no clothes on...

"Do you believe me now dear?" She said this while putting her clothes back on.

I was stunned.. All I could manage to say was "uhhhhhh yeah..."

Then she started to explain about mating, wolf colors and how we can shift whenever we like.

Red wolves were the strongest, followed by white wolves and she said there was a chance I'd be either be a red or white wolf because, dad was a red wolf and she's a white one. She said that red wolves were very rare and had extra abilities; they were strong enough to take on at least two alphas at the same time. Any other wolf was just a regular one. But, what she said about mating really surprised me... She said that I would find my other half and I would know who it was by looking into their eyes or simply touching them and just then and there I would know. This seemed to excite me since I've always loved the unexpected.

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