Chapter 15 - This is my fate?!?! A crazy stepmother! A voice in my head! Just sign me up as crazy!!

Start from the beginning

I could still feel myself shivering, although it wasn't as vigorous as before. For some reason, I felt as though I was being watched. I could feel eyes upon me, as though waiting to see what I would do next . . . waiting . . . expecting . . . waiting . . . expecting.

Suddenly, a muffled cough sounded from a few feet away. Hearing the sound, I immediately lurched backwards, eyes flashing open, preparing to defend myself.

Crouching at the head of the bed in a defensive position, fists clenched in front of me, I saw Aaron sitting in a chair next to the bed, looking up at me in astonishment. He seemed almost in awe of me, looking at me with a look I had never seen before in his face. But hidden deeper than that, I could see he was scared as well . . . scared of me. The memories of the day before rushed into my head, causing me to blush in shame. I glanced swiftly around the room, noticing that it was Aarons and that the furniture had been put back, before slowly meeting his stunned eyes.

"Oops," I whispered. "Sorry. I was . . . umm . . . having a bad dream and you . . . umm . . . startled me?"

I didn't mean for it to come out as a question, and I expected him to point it out and question it - I could see the questions he wanted to ask as though they were written all over his face - but thankfully he left it . . . for now at least . . . and just nodded. I sank gratefully back down into the bed, bending my knees in front of me and wrapping my arms around them.

"You're cold," he said quietly. "Look at you. You're shivering."

I didn't have the energy to point out that me shivering had nothing to do with the temperature. He crawled onto the bed and sat next to me, wrapping one arm around me, whilst using the other to pull the thick blanket around my shoulders. I smiled up at him weakly, too tired to thank him.

I leant against his shoulder and breathed in his heavenly scent. He smelt so familiar, and yet so unrecognisable . . . like something long forgotten. It brought back memories . . . happy memories . . . from a long time ago . . . memories from before the world as we knew it came crashing down around us . . . memories from before reality hit us like a tornado. The smell made me feel safe.

- Of course it does.

- I told you yesterday, <I>shut up</I> and <I>leave me alone!</I>

- Aww, don't be like that. You shouldn't take everything I say so seriously . . . just because I'm not a person doesn't mean I cant make jokes and be sarcastic.

- So what. Look at the mess you landed us in. I <I>can't believe</I> you made me do that!

- . . .

- Exactly.

- I'm sorry.

- . . .

- I know you don't believe it, but I really am.

- Hmm . . .

- Come on! Please forgive me. You can't ignore me forever. I <I>am</I> your mind after all.

- Yeah, yeah. Whatever!

Slowly my shivering subsided, although not a single detail of the dream did. It all remained clear in my mind . . . clearer than any memory . . . almost as if I was watching it on a TV screen.

"Thanks," I murmured after a long while, realising I hadn't said anything for a while. I looked up at Aaron, feeling his gaze on me. I could see the worry and concern written plain across his face, and although he tried not to show it, I could also see the curiosity. He had lots of questions he wanted to ask, but he didn't want to push me. I took in a deep breath and let it out shakily, before nodding slowly. "Go ahead. Ask away."

This is my fate?!?! A crazy stepmother! A voice in my head! Just sign me up as crazy now!!!Where stories live. Discover now