Chapter 4 - First Date

Start from the beginning

"But why would you even do that?" He looked confused. "George, you worked so hard on it! You stood there for over an hour and now I'm going to eat it, even if it's terrible." I replied and while I was eating he kept staring at me. Normally that would annoy me because I really hate it when people look at me when I’m eating but with George I truly didn't mind.


When we were finished I took our plates and went to do the sink. "You know you don't have to do that." George whispered in my ear. He was standing right beside me and I felt my heartbeat getting louder and louder. I turned around and looked straight into his sparkling eyes. You know when people say that you could get lost in someone's eyes? Well I never believed them, until now... it was like there was nothing accept his eyes. "So you're ready?" He asked to break the silence. "Heuh? What do you mean?" I answered while looking at his lips. Gosh I wanted to kiss them so badly!

"We’re going out! Come on!" And he grabbed my hand as we walked out the room. "But where are we going?!" I asked impatient. He just smirked at me. "George! I hate surprises!" I screamed and punched his arm playfully. "Awww!" He screamed and pouted his lip. "Were just going to take a walk on the beach." He said and smiled at me. How romantic was that!

We walked out the hotel and went to the beach.


We talked about some random stuff and our hands never left each other. "So did you ever have a boyfriend?" He suddenly asked. 

"Well I dated a few guys but I never felt something for them." I lied. "And what about you? Did you ever had a girlfriend?" I asked. He looked at me and shrugged. "I've had one girlfriend before but it didn't feel right you know. I didn't love her like that. I felt more like a brother to her." That kind of surprised me. I thought would have had a lot of girlfriends but I guess I was wrong.

"I want an ice cream." I said to break the silence, so we went to get an ice cream and sat down on the beach. He had the chocolate one and I had the one with strawberries.

"It's a little hot, I'm going in the water." I said when we were finished. I didn't take of my clothes because I wasn't planning on going to swim I just wanted to cool down a bit. I stood in the sea when someone splashed some water over me. I turned my head and saw George standing there with a grin on his face. Oh no he did not just do that and I started splashing back at him. We looked like two little kids but I never had so much fun. Suddenly I felt my feet left the ground and saw that George was lifting me up. "No George put me down now!" I screamed but he didn't listen. We went further in the sea and that's when he let go of me. I fell in the water and he was just laughing at me so I pulled him in with me.


After a while we came out and I asked to go back to the hotel because I was soaked. As we walked back he grabbed my hand again and I realized that I didn't want this day to end. I loved hanging out with him, It made me happy and I definitely didn't want to spent the whole evening alone in my room. When we reached the hotel I stopped and stared at him. "What's wrong." He asked. 

"Are you in for a movie night?" I suddenly said. I just couldn't let him leave already. "Yes of course! But first I’m going to take a shower and change clothes. I'll be in your room in about 30 minutes." He said and gave me a kiss on my cheek. As soon as I reached my room, I took a quick shower and got changed into my monkey onesie. I was hoping he wouldn't laugh at me for wearing this. But let's be honest, what is a movie night without an onesie?! 

After that I made some popcorn and when I did that someone knocked on the door, probably George.

"I'm coming!" I screamed and run to the door. When I opened the it, I saw him standing there also in a monkey onesie. "Cute onesie Jazz." He said with a huge smile on his face. "Same for you Shelley." I replied and let him in. I grabbed the popcorn while he putted a disc in the DVD player and sat down in the sofa. "What are we going to watch?" I asked and sat down next to him. "I thought you would like to watch The Notebook. My sister loves it and I've never seen it so..." he answered and putted his arm around me. The movie began and I laid my head on his chest.

You know the part when the old Noah goes to Ally and they lay there, together in the bed? And they ask each other if their love could take them away together? I know, such a sad moment. I looked up at George. His eyes were full of tears and I could see he was trying to control them. But, it didn't work and a tear rolled down his cheek. 

"Does someone need a tissue?" I giggled and handed him one. He looked so confused. 

"How can you not cry at that part? I is just..." He couldn't find the right words. "Maybe because I saw it at least a hundred times." I cut him off."Yeah but still." He was going in defense. "If you don't cry, you don't have a heart." He said. And I agreed with him, sometimes I really don't have a heart or at least I pretend to not have one. 

He looked at me, with his puppy eyes, like a little kid that didn't get a cookie. "Georgey Porgey! Don't look so sad. It is just a movie!" And I began to tickle him. "Jazz, no, no, no!" He almost jumped of the sofa. Oh no now it was his turn to tickle me. We both laughed so hard. Then he pulled me in a bear hug. I loved those kind of hugs. I could hear his heart beating faster and faster. When he was pulled away he looked into my eyes. I stared back. George has such a beautiful brown eyes. He looked up from my eyes to my lips and back. He laid on hand on my waist and he came closer while biting his lip. We both closed our eyes and I couldn't believe I was finally going to kiss those lips and then someone smashed the door open.

"Olla!" Toni screamed. "Oh, was I interrupting a moment here? Oepsie!" She laughed. Wait was she drunk? "Move Bitch, moveeeee." Now Elin was stumbling into the room, she almost fell. "Wooohooo, that was a great parteeey!" She screamed and saw that we all looked at her with open mouths. 

Gosh, what would George think? "Em...err..I think I should go, Jazz." He said and grabbed the DVD in a rush. "Oela is that your nickname for her? 'Jazz'? I like that one" Elin said. 

"Elin, everybody calls me 'Jazz'!" And she just looked at me with her drunk eyes.

I let George out. "Thanks for the wonderful date, George." I said shyly. "It was the best first date, Jazz." I looked at my feet I was really embarrassed. "Don't be ashamed, there has to be a good reason why they are so drunk. Good luck with them." He said. “Thanks, goodnight George." I replied while looking up at him. "Goodnight, Jazz! Talk to you later." As he said that he placed a kiss on my cheek.

I went back into the room where Toni made herself coffee, she wasn't as drunk as Elin. She was sleeping on the ground, she didn't even reached the sofa. I took Toni with me to the kitchen. "Are you OK?" I asked. "You normally never drink." I said. "Jazz, I know. But..but..." She was crying by now and I pulled her in a hug. What happened? I had no idea. When she was almost done with crying she pulled away and took her phone. She turned it so I could see what was on the screen. My mouth was wide open. It was a text with a picture from Suzanne. There was this girl on the picture kissing a boy with brown hair and he looked very similar to Justin. 

I couldn't believe my own eyes. How could he do that. After such a long time. He just, no, this couldn't be real. "It was at the party of Justin’s brother, Max and yeah as it is Suzanne's boyfriend she went to it. She called me after you went on your date with George. She was in such a shock, but she explained everything but I couldn't believe Justin would actually kiss a random girl. So she send me this text." And Toni looked at her phone. "Oh babe, that sucks!" I didn't really know what to say. "And yeah that's why we got drunk. But an hour ago I stopped drinking and Elin didn't. I feel horrible. Jazz, why did he do that? How could he...?" She cried into my arms. "I don't know hun, I don't know."

A Shelley Summer - George Shelley AUWhere stories live. Discover now