When we got to the school, I said goodbye to Wendy and went to see her.

Today, today I'm going to talk to her...

I don't know her name, all I know is her eyes.

Those eyes,

They were so sad,

So broken...

I went to the hallway where her locker was located, and searched around for her. Then I spotted her with a girl with long red hair and a crazy look in her eye.

"What was that?" She ridiculed as she slapped the book from the blonde's arms. "You're going to have to speak louder than that blondie~" The red-head taunted as the blonde went to retrieve her book. "Oops sorry blondie." The girl said, kicking the blonde's book across the hall to me. "Don't worry about it." She muttered as she began to crawl through the angry mob of people.

"This yours?" I let out a little chuckle as I picked up her book. I held out my hand to help her up. She looked up at me suspiciously with her big brown orbs. "Thank you..." She whispered, as she took my hand and stood up. I gave her the book and replied, "No problem."

"Oi! Flame-brain!" I heard someone call out to me, "Let's get going!" I turned my head to see the Raven-haired idiot and the scarlet-haired witch. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the blonde, "What's your name?" I asked.

"Lucy." She replied avoiding eye contact. "Lucy? That's a cool name! I'm Natsu!" I said, then I looked back at the two people waiting for me. "Listen, I got to get to class, but it was nice meeting you Lucy!" I waved as I went to catch up to Gray and Erza.

"Who was that?" Gray asked. "None ya." I reply. He just rolled his eyes at me and continued to walk to class.

"Lucy, huh?" I whispered to myself as I walked to my class. "Cute name."

School droned on by, until finally it was over.

The whole day I couldn't get that girl out of my head.


I wonder,

Maybe it's because she's just like me.

"Car. Get in." I heard a woman demand as I was walking home. I looked to see Grandeeney driving with Wendy in the back. "You know I can't." I replied as she slowly drove next to me. "Get in this car Natsu Dragneel or I swear." She growled. "If I puke, it's not my fault." I sigh as I opened the door and sat down in the passenger's seat. I rolled down the window to try to keep my motion sickness under control, as Grandeeney sped up and drove us home.

"Damnit Natsu!" She screeched as we walked into the house, "That's the third time this week that you've caught the house on fire!" "Well it's your fault for asking me to cook!" I retort back.

The pink-haired woman looked at Wendy, "Honey, will you go to your room?" She asked politely. The girl obediently nodded and ran up the stairs.

Great, another lecture...

"I know it's hard Natsu..." She starts, "But you have to help me out here." The woman says as she collapsed onto the couch. Grandeeney rubbed her temples and then looked up at me. "You know Igneel was always catching things on fire too. Must be genetic." She lets out a slight chuckle.

"You talk about him like he's dead." I say quietly. Grandeeney looked up at me with her old blue orbs.

"I'm sorry Natsu." She whispered, "We are really trying..." "I know..." I said, grabbing my scarf and started heading out the door. "Where are you going?" She asks as I was half way out the door. "Out." I whispered.

I looked up at the pristine white building that stood before me.

"Patient's name?" The clerk asked. "Igneel Dragneel." I replied. "Room 177." The woman said handing me a pass.

I navigated through the complex halls before I found the right room. I gently knocked as the door creaked open. The smell of chemicals hit my nose as soon as I walked in.

"Hey dad." I said looking at the man hooked up to the machines. "What's up?" I asked as I pulled out a seat and sat down.

"You remember that girl from the roof?" I asked, "Her name is Lucy. She's really cute, I think you'd like her."


"Grandeeney is starting to lose hope, Wendy too. But I know your strong, you'll pull through."

Still nothing.

"I know because your my dad."
I whispered, "I still have things I want to share with you, when you wake up."

"So please, wake up...."

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