Birthday Hangover

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The day after my party was not too great. I had the worst hangover ever. I just wanted to sleep all day and not do anything. I grabbed my phone and called in sick to work, then went back to sleep. But not for long because soon after, Sadie woke up and freaked out. She thought that we slept together, which is understandable. We were both in our underwear and in my bed. We did not sleep together. 

"Sadie," I said getting out of bed with her, "Nothing happened. You crashed in my bed and so did I."

"I swear to god, if you're lying to m-"

"I would never lie to you. I don't want to sleep with you."

Right away, I did regret that and looked at her with wide eyes. She looked pissed, which is never a good thing to do to your girlfriend. Never piss them off. 


"No, I mean, I want to wait to sleep with you. You know, when we're ready." I replied trying to calm her down. 

She was pretty loud and like I said, I had a bad hangover. I'm pretty sure she did too. She took a deep breath and looked at me, feeling a little guilty. 

"I get it, sorry, now you've met morning hungover me." She replied.

I shook my head and shrugged, "Don't worry about it. We're both having pretty shitty mornings."

"Want me to make breakfast?" She questioned.

I nodded, "Please!"

She put on the outfit that she was wearing yesterday and went downstairs, I told her I wanted to change and then I would meet her down there. I got changed into grey jeans with a black t-shirt, red converse and a gold anchor necklace. I took my phone off mt charger and walked outside my room. Before I got downstairs, I bumped into CC. I smiled.

"Hey, good morning." I was a but quiet, you know hangovers. 

She just looked at me with messy hair and a satin look on her face. It was not pleasant. I shrugged, a little frighten and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen where Sadie was almost done with breakfast. She decided to make some for everyone, seeing that Ash was already at the kitchen table, ready for food. I walked behind Sadie and wrapped my arms around her waist. She turned around and kissed me. 

"Stop making out and get me food!" Ash yelled. 

For as long as I've known, Ash, he has never had a hangover. I don't understand why or how. He has a secret that he tells no one, but I am officially older than him and I will talk it out of him. Hopefully. I said down next to him and stared into his eyes. He felt a bit uncomfortable, but stared back. 

"I thought you liked girls." He stated.

I nodded, slowly, "But you know what I like more."

He didn't say anything and just continued to stare at me.

"No hangovers. What's your secret?"

"I thought you were going to say me and I got nervous, cause I ain't gay."

"Ash, please, I need to know. Plus I'm older than you and better." I replied.

"Nope, not gonna happen."

"Come on, belated birthday gift?"

"Hey, I got you a pillow."

I was about to say something, but then Sadie set down the breakfast.

"Let it go, Lanny. Hangovers are not the end of the world." She smiled sitting next to me.

"One day it will be." I muttered.

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